Year 2: Beauty On My Doorstep
Welcome Back! We hope you all had a wonderful break over the Easter holidays- we were very lucky with the weather! We can’t believe that we are already in the summer term- time is really flying by!
This half term, our topic is based around the ‘Beauty On Our Doorstep’. We will be learning about our local geography and about plants and what they need to grow well. Our central focus, will be around appreciating the world that we live in and enjoying the beauty that is all around us. We will be asking what we can do to contribute to and look after our environment and will think about how we can make our local environment even better. Those of you who drop off in the morning, may have noticed that we have begun brightening up the area outside of year 2 and this will continue through our current project. We will be using what we learn about plants to help us grow things for our year 2 bed.
As part of our learning, we will be growing beans and we are asking the children to bring in the bottom part of a clear plastic bottle: either a squash, soft drink or water bottle 500ml- 2L in size (See the picture below). We will start our bean planting on Wednesday this week (21.4.21) so it would be lovely if they can bring it in by then. If this is not possible, please let your class teacher know and we will find an alternative.
You can find out more information about our Summer 1 topic here:
Year 2 Summer 1 Beauty On My Doorstep Knowledge Organiser
Year 2 Summer 1 Beauty On My Doorstep Topic Web
Thursday, this week, is also ‘Earth Day’ so the children will complete some additional work and activities to encourage them to think about our responsibilities in our world and how we can treat our environment with respect. Please do talk to your children about what they have learnt and about how, in our small way, we can each make a difference.
We are pleased that the children have settled back in well this week, and we are really proud of how they have worked throughout this challenging and unusual year. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions via our email: or by speaking to your class teacher. Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 2 Team