Welcome Back Year 2
It has been wonderful to welcome all of the children back to school this week. They have all settled back in really well and we are incredibly proud of them all.

Spring time fun in Year 2
This week, we will continue with our project ‘Me and You’ where we will be thinking about different viewpoints and different time periods. In English, this week we will be comparing viewpoints in our persuasive writing to The Enormous Crocodile. Next week, we will be exploring differing viewpoints by looking at the stories by Anthony Browne. In history, we have begun learning about the Queen of our time, Queen Elizabeth II, and we will later compare her lifetime with that of Queen Victoria.
Please see our Knowledge Organiser for more information about this term’s project:
Knowledge Organiser Me and You Spring 2
PE Day: Friday- Children are to come to school wearing their PE kit (weather appropriate please).
Library Books: Friday is library book change day.
Reading Books: Monday is reading book change day but please can children bring their reading folders to school each day.
Work for Self Isolation: If you are self isolating, then work will be posted in Year 2-2020 Classwork (rather than in individual classes).
Spellings: These will be posted on a Monday each week in Google Classroom on your child’s individual class page. These can also be accessed via Spelling Shed.
Maths homework: This will be set on a Friday every two weeks starting next Friday (19th March). This can be submitted on Google Classroom.
Numbots/ttRockstars: Please continue to use these each week to support quick mental recall of maths facts. Certificates are given out in Celebration Worship each week.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at year2@stmarksce.org.uk
The Year 2 Team