Welcome back Year 1
It was great to welcome back all the Year 1 children yesterday. They all had a great day and enjoyed seeing all their friends again. This week we will continue with our project, ‘On the Move’ where we are learning about how transport has changed throughout history. Over the coming weeks, we will be exploring some design technology and making pictures which move. In English, we are looking at the story of ‘Mrs Armitage on wheels’ and we will be retelling the story and then writing our own versions using different vehicles. In maths we are thinking about numbers to 50. We will be exploring how these numbers are made up using tens and ones and will be thinking about ordering and comparing numbers.
Please see our knowledge organiser for more information about this term’s project. On The Move knowledge organiser
- PE days – Thursdays (1C); Friday (1J and 1P): children to come to school in their PE kit.
- Please make sure your child brings their book bags into school each day
- If you are self-isolating, then work will be posted on Year1-2020 classwork and not individual classes.
- Spellings will now be posted again on google classrooms each week on your child’s individual class.
Thank you for all your continued support. Any questions or concerns, please email the team on year1@stmarksce.org.uk
Year 1 Team