Great learning this term in Year 1!

What a busy time the children have had this term!

We have enjoyed learning about toys throughout history and exploring how they have changed. The children learnt about teddy bears, creating their own mini-books about Paddington and their own toys. They thought about modern-day bears and enjoyed designing their own ‘Build-a-Bear’. Thank you for all the learning you have sent in, as it brightens up our classrooms!

In art, we have been learning to sketch and create different images using our pencils with differing pressures. The children created some beautiful sketches of their toys. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about ‘What a wonderful world’ we live in and have created poems using our adjectives.

It’s been a great term of learning with Year 1 and we would like to thank all the hard work of the parents and carers who are supporting the learning of the children at home and in school.

Have a wonderful half-term.

Year 1 Team