Year R – Thursday 19th March
Good Morning Everyone!
I hope today’s post finds you well. We are so impressed by all the work and fun you are sharing on Tapestry. Please keep posting. We really love to hear from you. Don’t forget, you can use the email to send messages to us as well. The address is: yearr@stmarksce.org.uk
Please do not feel under any pressure to complete all of the activities provided in one day. Anything you can do is fantastic! However, it would be great if you can encourage your little ones to complete the recommended daily activities.
Have a lovely day.
Year R Team x
Writing and Reading Activities
Each day, please practise:
Reading your keywords
Writing your name (use your laminated name card from your Summer pack)
Forming your cursive handwriting (see the slides below for all the letter famiies)
Reading an Ebook from the following website: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ You’ll find lots of Kipper books and even some Read Write Inc Phonics books too! Grown-ups: you will need to create a parent account which is free to do. This website is great for helping parents to understand how and what we teach your children in school and we hope you’ll find it useful.
Today’s Job
This week we would have been creating a Mother’s Day card as a surprise for Sunday. Below is a link to the activity which includes today’s writing task. The powerpoint can also be viewed below.
Template for the Flower Pot: Flower-pot-template
Maths Activities
Each day, please practise:
- Counting forwards and backwards to 10
- Counting a small handful of different everyday objects
- Lining up larger numbers of items and counting them carefully and slowly, Make sure to touch each one as you move along the row of items. Each time you touch a new number say the next number name clearly. If you go higher than 10 make sure you say “teen” not “ty” (fourteen not forty).
Today’s Job:
Below is a link to today’s Numberblocks Maths Activity. The powerpoint can also be viewed below.
Maths Home Learning – Thursday 19th March
Here is a copy of the weblink featured in the powerpoint just incase it doesn’t work –
Topic Activities
We have been learning all sorts of interesting facts about animals on the farm. There are lots of important vehicles that work hard on the farm too. I wonder if you could name any of them?
Today’s Job:
Can you build a vehicle that could work on the farm? You could use building blocks, Lego, junk modelling, playdough or any other resources you have at home. How could you join the pieces together? Will it be able to move? Have fun!
We’ll be back again tomorrow! Take care.
Partial Closure for Thurs 19th March
Dear parents and carers,
Our position and availability has not changed. We are still in Option 2. On Thursday 19th March, school will be open to the following children only, assuming they are not unwell:
- Year 6 pupils and their siblings
- Year 2 pupils and their siblings
- Children who are not able to stay at home because of parental work commitments.
- Work set online each evening by 8pm for the following day.
- Email available for year groups (see year group pages).
- Report any absence (inc being off for partial closure or self-isolation) here.
- Click here to find out ways to give each day a routine.
The staff in school have been amazing, and we are desperate to keep open as much as we can. We will also continue to post work for children online via our website. We will also be texting parents with a password to access some of the resources (mainly YouTube videos by teachers). Please do keep this password safe. It’s important that these videos are respected and the password treated carefully, as our staff are putting themselves ‘public’ for the sake of the children’s learning. Thank you for your support and understanding.
The Prime Minister’s announcement has taken place, and we are digesting what this means for our school. However, it does mean that the school will be closed for almost all children as from Monday. Will will be in touch as soon as we have figured it all out.
Finally, you will have received an email entitled ‘Sad News’. We are very, very sad and sorry that we are not able to support in person the children who will not be in school (as above). The timings of all of these things is challenging. To support the children at home, and if you feel it is appropriate, an idea may be to create a drawing of a ‘favourite memory’, take a picture of it, and email it the year group email. We will then collate these pictures to share at some point. We hope the links in the email are helpful to you.
Finally – definitely finally – thank you for your messages of support for our school and staff. It has kept us going, and we are grateful to be serving a wonderful community.
Warmest wishes to you and your family.
Charles Applegate, Head Teacher
Year 6 – CGP books update
We just wanted to confirm what we would like to happen to the CGP books to avoid any confusion!
For the children that were in yesterday, Tuesday 17th, all of their CGP books were sent home with them. Some children/parents very kindly dropped them at other children’s homes if they were not in. As long as you are not self-isolating, we can arrange for your child’s CGP books to be left in the office for you to collect if your child has not got theirs.
For children still attending school, we would like these books to stay in their school bags at all times so that they have access to them at home if they are unable to attend school on following days, or we can still use them in school if they are attending. We hope this makes sense!
We do not want the children to work through these books unless we have set specific pages. We will either do this for their weekly homework as usual, or for an extra home learning task.
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email us at year6@stmarksce.org.uk
Year R – Wednesday 18th March
Good morning children! We hope you have had a good breakfast and are up and ready for the day! It doesn’t look like it is going to rain today so it might be good to get a little bit of fresh air if you can.
Yesterday, parents, we had some queries about how much you should expect your child to be doing within the home environment, for how long, and in what detail. We think that each of the activities we suggest should take 10-15 minutes and we recommend that you include some time to play in between activities, as we would at school.
Well, we are really looking forward to seeing all your posts on Tapestry today. Keep smiling and remember children, be kind to your grown ups and show them lots of your fabulous Learning Behaviours.
Take care Parrots, Puffins and Penguins!
Writing and Reading Activities
Each day, please practise:
- Writing your name (use your laminated name card from your Summer pack)
- Writing the long ladder letters (don’t forget to use the lead-ins)
- Reading your keywords
Today’s Job:
Try reading an Ebook from the following website’s Ebook library. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
You’ll find lots of Kipper books and even some Read Write Inc Phonics books too!
Grown-ups: you will need to create a parent account which is free to do. This website is great for helping parents to understand how and what we teach your children in school and we hope you’ll find it useful.
Maths Activities
Each day, please practise:
- Counting forwards and backwards to 10
- Counting a small handful of different everyday objects
- Lining up larger numbers of items and counting them carefully and slowly, Make sure to touch each one as you move along the row of items. Each time you touch a new number say the next number name clearly. If you go higher than 10 make sure you say “teen” not “ty” (fourteen not forty).
Today’s Job:
Please click below to open today’s Numberblocks Maths Activity.
Maths Flipchart for home learning 18.03
Topic Activities
We are learning about the farm. Last week we read non-fiction (information) books to learn about different farm animals and we thought about different ways we could group farm animals together. We sorted them by colour, size, by what they ate etc.
Today’s Job:
Can your grown-up guess your favourite farm animal? Give them some clues to listen to. Don’t make them too easy to begin with or they will be able to guess straight away!
Here’s one for you to give you an idea:
- it has 4 legs
- it has ears
- it likes to roll in the mud
- it lives in a sty
- it has a curly tail
- it is sometimes pink
Did you guess it? Yes! It’s a pig!
Can you draw and colour your favourite farm animal? Think carefully about the colours you will use to make it look as real as you can. Maybe your grown-up can help you look for a photo of the animal that you have chosen. Do you have any books, puzzles, toys to look at that will help you to draw your picture?
We’ll be back again tomorrow! Take care.