Year 2 The Great Fire of London and Hey Ewe

The Greatest Fire in history

Year 2 have enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London over the past few weeks. They are now experts and can answer questions about when, where, how and why the fire started. Do use our Knowledge Organiser to test them on the facts and see how much they know. They can also tell you what happened after the fire and what lessons were learnt. Do ask them why Samuel Pepy’s buried his cheese too! We think you’ll be amazed with how much they have learnt. We are incredibly proud of them all! The children have completed wonderful art work linked with our topic and have created some informative non-chronological reports to share with you. We think they are amazing!

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Hey Ewe!

Year 1 and 2 are excited to be creating a video of our nativity play ‘Hey Ewe’ to share with you for Christmas. We are already getting ready and practising in our classes. This will be recorded in our class bubbles and then put together by the magic of technology! Your child should have brought home a letter and some lines today. This will tell you which character they are and give a guide for a simple costume. The children need to come in wearing these on Wednesday 2nd December please. We really don’t want you to go to any extra expense so please let your class teacher know if you have any difficulties with these costumes as we are sure we can suggest an alternative. If your child has lines, we would ask you to practise these with them as much as you can (including you reading the previous line so that they know when to come in). We only have a very short period of time to rehearse due to the extra time that it will take to edit and assemble recordings from 6 classes. We appreciate your support with this and hope you will look forward to the results.  

