Year 3 – Keep your eyes peeled for The Iron Man

Strange things have been spotted by Year 3. Whilst on a nice walk on Monday for some fresh air, Year 3 noticed some objects hanging in the trees and bushes. At first they thought Mr Blake and Mrs Barbour had been a little lazy and not put these in the bin where they should be. But it seems that Mr Blake had lost some of his things over half term. Year 3 turned on their thinking brains and started to work on the case at once. 

The children worked out that all the objects were made of metal. When they arrived back in school they discovered a book all wrapped up in boring brown paper with the words: Don’t judge a book by its cover. The children guessed that this book was ‘The Iron Man’ and went on to design their own front covers. We explained that ‘The Iron Man’ book has had many different front covers and the were very excited to find out which copy they had (don’t forget if your child would like to keep their copy of the Iron Man once the project is complete, you can buy this using your SCOPAY account for just £3.99). 

Once the children opened their books, they came to the conclusion that ‘The Iron Man’ must be have been at school and needed metal for something. So do keep your eyes peeled for any more evidence! On Tuesday, when the children arrived in their classes they were surprised to see the Iron Man on their walls. They used many words to describe him: colossal, gigantic, titanic, enormous, immense, Vast and many more. 

The children have shown a great attitude to their new new project and we are sure they are going to enjoy it!


A few reminders: 
* Homework can be found on google classroom and is set on Friday’s. 
* Isolating lessons can be found in Year 3 folder on google classroom and are only for those children self isolating that are well enough to complete.
* You can buy a copy of The Iron Man by paying on your SCOPAY account. 
* The children will be requiring a shoe box lid (or cereal box) in school named ASAP – this is for a D&T project but because these need to go into isolation before use, we are asking for them to be in by Friday 20th November at the latest. 

Year 3 Team