Tutankhamun’s Discovery and End of Term

Year 4 Writing

This week, we sent home the children’s Mr Benn stories which we produced in the first few weeks of term. The children worked incredibly hard on these and were very eager to share the adventure which Mr Benn went on with you at home. We included an evaluation form with this and would be grateful for it to be returned to school once we are back. It’s lovely for the children and the teachers to receive the feedback about their progress in writing. Please keep and enjoy their actual stories.

The last few weeks have been very exciting as the children have continued to enhance their history knowledge of Ancient Egypt by learning about the discovery of Tutankhamun. From this, the children then drafted and published a newspaper article about this significant event. We have focused hard this term on using technical vocabulary, fronted adverbials and speech. Please take a read below….



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End of our project

The children have fully immersed themselves in this term’s project, ‘Raiders of the Lost Cities’. They have gained a wealth of knowledge, showed curiosity and have developed a range of historical skills. At the start of our project, the children found out that our concept question was ‘What are the similarities between Ancient Egypt and modern day Britain’. We have been revisiting this question this week and the children have been making comparisons. They found that some elements of life are very similar, some are somewhat similar and some are different. Take a look at some work which was produced which shows their thinking about this concept question:



What a wonderful half term it has been. We have thoroughly loved teaching the children and getting back into the flow of school life.

It’s been lovely seeing and meeting some of you this week in our Parents’ Evening. We are looking forward to the remainder of our appointments after half term.

Thank you for your continued support and please have a restful half term holiday.

Miss Goddard, Miss Pettitt, Miss Hardy and Miss Crow