Year 5 Learning Update – Week 2

What a fantastic start the children have made to Year 5! As our new topic is Space, the children started by designing their own planet based on a set criteria. The planet size was based on their confidence levels, the colours were linked to particular learning behaviours, the number of craters represented their number of siblings and their patterns were based on their levels of organisation. Here is a peak at some of the amazing planets that the children designed – they are all so unique!


The children have been reading George’s Secret Key to the Universe in English and are really excited to find out what happens with the super computer – Cosmos! We’ve also been doing some descriptive writing about the planet of Pandora, exploring new vocabulary and having a go at writing relative clauses too. What this space for some non-chronological reports to follow!


The children have been working so hard on their place value over the last two weeks – focusing today on numbers up to 1,000,000. They have been working on how different numbers can be represented, what the digits mean and also how to round these numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We are also really proud of the way the children have engaged with their times tables and flashback Maths too. 

Homework Update

The children received their homework schedule today and their first pieces of homework have been set on Google Classrooms. Please let us know if you have any problems or need any support with this.