Welcome to Year 3
What a super start to Year 3 we have had!
The children have settled well into their new classes and it is lovely to have them back in school. They have had a busy first week, learning lots of new routines but adapted to this very quickly. We have started our learning focusing on a book by Oliver Jeffers called A children of books. We have created a poem and some art work linked to the book (see some of our fabulous work below). We have also written some prayers thinking about what we are grateful for, sorry for and a wish for the world.
A couple of things you may need to know:
- We have set up the children’s spellings for this week onto their google classroom.
- Homework will be weekly starting next Friday – again you will find this on their google classroom.
- We are awaiting the children’s reading folders and will then send books home when these arrive. In the meantime, please do read and share books at home.
- The children will be bringing home their homework books to complete homework in and possible self isolation lessons. This book must stay at home and completed homework must be uploaded to google classroom each week.
- PE day is THURSDAY – so the children will come to school in their PE kits.
If you have forgotten your child’s login for google classroom, need to get a message to class teacher or any other questions do please email us on year3@stmarksce.org.uk and we will reply as soon as we can.
Have a lovely, quiet and restful weekend. See you Monday.
Year 3 Team