Newsletter – June 1st 2020
Message from Mr Applegate
I trust you’ve had a bit of a break this week during half-term. This week’s newsletter is short, containing key information for those attending school from Tuesday, and those remaining at home – including a new Google Meet schedule.
Home learning restarts on Monday for all children. Remember, school is closed for all children on Monday, including those who are key workers.
For those attending school from Tuesday:
- You will have been sent an email with confirmation that you are returning on Tuesday. If you believe your child should be returning, but have not received an email, please contact the school immediately.
- Please make sure you have read this post in full. It includes all the important information for returning to school.
- We will do all we can to help the children in school join in with Google Meets, but bear with us as we work out the logistics of it all. Please note the schedule has changed – details below; there is a different timetable for this week, and also for subsequent weeks.
- We will be sending out a video/pictures asap, to support the children in their return.
For those remaining at home:
- Google Meet schedule has changed – please see the new timetable below- there is a different timetable for this week, and also for subsequent weeks.
- Google Classroom home learning will still be set each day, and staff will be supporting you in it.
- Year group emails will still be used if you need help.
It’s really important that everyone – in school or not – continues to social distance where ever we are. I’ve been informed by several members of the St Mark’s community that children are out playing together without adult supervision, and are not socially distant. This really is unsafe, and particularly if they are returning to school,
Have a good week, Mr Applegate
Google Meets – Updated Schedule
Please see below for a schedule for this week (starting Tuesday), and also from next week going forward.
School Nurse Bulletin
Click to download the full version.
Skoolkit School Uniform
Please see this flyer for prices and this flyer for ordering instructions.
Have a spare laptop? Or does your company have some spare?
We’re aware that a number of families don’t have access to a laptop or computer – particularly necessary for Google Classroom. Can we as a community help them?
If you have any old or unneeded laptops, please do let us know. We will wipe or replace the hard drive and put all new software on it. The laptop just needs to work – we’ll do the rest.
Alternatively, could your company help us? I’m sure there are a number of laptops just being stored in cupboards! We can support with an official letter if required.
Either way, just let us know by completing this school here. Let us know if you want them back or not, too. Thank you so much.
Need a laptop?
As laptops come in, we will allocate them out according to need. If you think your child would benefit from a laptop, please complete this form. No promises, but we’ll do our best.
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.
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