Year 6 – Friday, 1st May, 2020
Good Morning Year 6 and Happy Friday!
Well done learners! You have had a great week so far and we have seen so many wonderful examples of your creativity and resilience. The work you are sending in is simply brilliant to see and the news we receive of all the other exploits you are getting up to is just proof that you really are the best Year 6 group in the world.
Only one more day of school tasks before you can enjoy your weekends. We hope you all have a successful day of learning today and a lovely weekend with your families.

Mrs Silvester, Miss Pettitt and Mrs Chapman
Today’s maths will be taken from our CGP Number, Ratio and Algebra book. We will be completing page 26 – Multiplying and Dividing by fractions- and page 27 – Estimating and Checking. If you haven’t got your book handy, you can download them here NRA pg 26 Multiplying and Dividing by Fractions NRA pg 27 Estimating and Checking
It is important to check your answers and mark your work before you close your books in order to maximise your learning.
Answer sheets – NRA pg 26 Multiplying and Dividing by Fractions Answers NRA pg 27 Estimating and Checking Answers
Answers for today’s Success in Seven : 5. Friday answers Success in Seven
We are going to practise the skill of reported speech in our CGP books today. However, if you need this time to finish your Bibo writing on the final chapter in this life then you do not need to also do these pages. Spend your time creating a wonderful piece of writing on Bibo’s final chapter in his life.
For those who have finished their Bibo writing (please send a photo to the Year 6 email account if you can – we would love to read them) then you will complete pages 18 and 19 in your CGP Punctuation book. If you don’t have your book, you can download the pages here: Punctuation pages 18-19 Inverted commas
(For those children with their books who have already completed this page, please do pages 20 and 21 instead.)
Remember, you need to check the answers and mark your work. Punctuation page 18 answers Punctuation page 19 answers
You need to ask an adult to test you on your spelling list today. Make sure you have revised these words with the ‘eau’ pattern before being tested. Good luck! If you want to earn bonus recognition points, create interesting sentences using this week’s spelling words. e.g. With eyes wide open, Margaret stared longingly at the delicious-looking cherry gateau which sat in the baker’s window; she knew she shouldn’t buy it but it took real determination to walk away.
This lesson follows on from last week’s home Olympics activity. If you didn’t get around to it last week, don’t worry you can start today! This half term in PE we are going to be completing our own Home Olympics! We have a range of activities for you to have a go at. There are 5 activities which require different skills. See if you can complete each one. For each activity you need to count how many repetitions you are able to do in a certain time or time yourself and see how long you can keep going. A stop watch or a timer on a phone would be useful for these activities. Remember to fill in the next section of your record card (Week 2). There is a link to the record card below if you are only just starting today and a reminder of the activities also linked below. I wonder how many repetitions you will be able to do. Have you improved from last week?
Here are the resources you will need to look at to help you with the challenges – no need to print them. Year 6 PE Lesson 2 PE Record card
Thank you to all you sporting stars who sent in photographs showing us the fun you had in last week’s PE lesson. They were great!
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
Ongoing Daily Activities
As well as the learning tasks we upload each day, there are a few ‘extras’ that you could have a go at, if you get time.
TTRockstars – Play 5 garage games + 5 studio games. Mrs Chapman will be online at 11am today in the Year 6 Arena area provided the website is running properly. Her TT Rockstar name is Zander Madden and will play games in the Wembley Stadium area.
Miss Goddard’s extra challenge can be found if you click here.
Reading – Read for at least 20 minutes every day. Remember you all have logins for the Scholastic reading site.
Weekly spellings – Practise these everyday in your spelling booklets – you can find this week’s set here: Week 2 – Main Spelling List Week 2 – Less Tricky Spelling List
Daily physical activity which you enjoy. Challenge yourself! Remember Joe Wicks is still there to keep us moving.
Competition Reminder – closing date 4th May
Jae Malone, the author of ‘Silver Linings’ unfortunately could not visit us last month because of the Covid situation. However, she is incredibly keen to make sure we keep our imaginations fired and let our love of writing stories grow. Therefore, she has sent some fun ideas on how to create short stories. With these writing prompts you may be able to come up with a brand new story idea that no one else has ever thought of. You don’t have to write stories down, you may picture them in your mind or be a storyteller to members of your family.
Grid – Haunting things Grid One – People and Creatures Seaside Columns
As well as these fun story creating ideas, she has set us an exciting challenge. If you would like to win a signed set of Jae Malone’s trilogy, then why not enter her creative writing competition?
All you have to do is send your completed Indiana story from last term. If you have already sent us uploaded photos of your completed story or sent it as a Word document, then all you have to do is ask us to submit it to Jae’s competition. If you didn’t send us your completed story, you have until 4th May to complete your story and send it to us. Remember to use the address for your entries.