Year 3 – Friday 1st May
Good Morning Year 3
How is it May already? Well done all! We’ve made it to Friday – well we think it is. Are you finding the days roll into another – we’ve decided there is 3 days of the week ‘Yesterday’ ‘Today’ and ‘Tomorrow’ ????. So we are pleased it is ‘tomorrow’ tomorrow so we can all have a well earned rest!
We know we say it a lot Year 3 but we wanted to say, we really are so pleased with how well you are all trying with your home learning and doing amazingly. We love seeing your work and hearing from you. It was lovely seeing you yesterday on Zoom – Parents of 3B and 3SB please do email us with any problems with Kahoot so we can sort these before next meeting.
Click on the picture for this week’s family worship
Look at this week’s amazing work. Have a super day learning and enjoy your weekend!
Year 3 Team

Maths looks a little bit different today because it’s Family Challenge Maths. Have a look at the challenges and work through as many as you can.
Challenges 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the most suitable for year 3 children but why not challenge older brothers and sisters or parents to help you complete more.
English/ Bookclub
Year 3, we were so proud of you when you wrote your Iron Man poems and that some of these won prizes in competition. Show us your best work! Can you decorate it too? You could write this, use template or do on the computer. Please send us your work after.
Resources you will need:
- PowerPoint
- Optional Year 3 – 1.5.20 English poem sheet
- Paper or computer
Design and Technology
Today in DT we are looking at bee homes. Look at the information and photos in the PowerPoint and draw a picture of your own bee home design on a piece of paper. Don’t forget to label it with the objects you will use. Make sure you get an adult’s permission before deciding to use anything in your design.
Please email your designs in if you can. We would love to see them.
Resources you will need:
- Paper to plan
- Recycling objects from your home (although you won’t need these till next week!)
Fun Kahoot Game – How much do you know about Charlie and the Chocolate factory
Log into our password protected session below to find the link for today’s Kahoot – Available to all Year 3’s.
[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]
Log onto and use this game code 04183254
Ongoing Activities
You may choose to complete these daily, weekly or a couple of times a week.
- PE with Joe – The Body Coach – 9am – Click here for link or take part in just dance video below.
- TTRockstars – Click here for website.
- Numbots – Click here for website.
- Spelling Shed – Click here for website.
- Reading – What book are you reading today?
- Handwriting – You can download a sheet or copy onto a book Handwriting 3 Handwriting 4
You can find lots of learning resources that we have collated on the Educating Home Page. Click here to be redirected.
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if:
1. You have a question
2. Need a password
3. Need some help
4. Send us your work
5. Or even just say hello!
Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We will reply ASAP but it may not be the same day!
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book. in your homework book (if you have it at home) or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents:
* Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do them independently.
* We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
* The work we have set should take about 2 hours maximum spread throughout the day.
* Please note the ongoing activities are optional and could be completed once a week or more depending on time.