Year 2 – Thursday 30th April

Good Morning Year 2 

Hello Year 2,

How are you today? Happy Thursday! We hope you are all well and have had a good sleep and a good breakfast ready for another day of exciting learning! Remember to take regular breaks and don’t forget to wash your hands through out the day to avoid walking the plank! We had lots of very speedy detectives emailing in with the answers to our pirate clue again yesterday, so well done everyone! We have another pirate clue below for you to have a go at cracking. Well done for all of your hard work so far this week Year 2. You are all superstars. 

Guinness World Record Assembly – 10AM – Don’t miss out!

If you fancy trying to break a Guinness World Record then join in with

England’s Biggest Assesmbly. 

Today, Thursday 30th April at 10am.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will deliver a message of hope to school pupils across the country in the first assembly at Oak National Academy. The Archbishop’s address will be streamed through the Times Educational Supplement website  and will then remain available on the Oak National Academy website 

Do try and watch it live, and encourage your networks, families and children to watch it live, as you and they may be potentially part of a Guinness World Record!

Pirate Clues!  Ahoy Me Hearties!


Brrrrrrr Year 2! We found the latest clue in our fridge and it was a little bit chilly searching for it! Well done to everyone who solved the puzzle. We have our last two clues today and if we solve them we should have all of the pieces of map tomorrow so that we can find the treasure!  Shiver Me Timbers Year 2, we’re excited, are you? 

We would love to hear from you and see your lovely work, so please do not hesitate to email us at Enjoy your day!

Many thanks,

Year 2 Team 

Use the link below to solve the last two clues:

[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]



In English today, you will be writing your exciting Pirate Adventure stories. We are really looking forward to these and hope you are too. The presentation below shows one way that you could go about your writing and has broken the writing into sections. You can do this too if you’d prefer and you can write your story over two or three days if that makes it more manageable, breaking it into a beginning, middle and an end. For reluctant writers, this can make the task less daunting and more manageable. If you do this, remember to read where you have got to before you carry on with your writing so that you don’t miss anything exciting. Tomorrow’s lesson, is a grammar hammer but you can miss this if you’d prefer to continue with your story so be as flexible as you like.  

Some children may wish to include pictures in their stories too and they may even want to have chapters or turn it into a little book. This is fine and if children want to type their stories, then we are happy for them to do so. Another incentive that we find useful in school is allowing them to write in pen. 

Try to use as many of the different skills that we have learnt over the past few weeks in your writing as you can: expanded noun phrases, similes, compound sentences and question and exclamation sentences. These help to make your writing exciting and engaging for the reader. Above all have fun and enjoy being an author! We can’t wait to see the end results and all of your super ideas!

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Useful resources: 

Below is a selection of paper with a pirate themed border that you can use if you’d like. If your child may work better doing a bit of a picture and then some writing, you could use the half lined paper as there is a space for a picture too. Feel free to write directly into books that you have or onto other paper. Some children may like to type it into the computer too. All ways are fine. 

Half Lined


Narrow Lined

Pirate Adventure Story Starter


Today in maths, we are going to have a go at some problem solving, using some of the skills we have learnt so far this year in maths. Get your thinking caps on!

As with the other maths lessons shared, there is a video to help explore this concept, as well as an activity sheet to complete. You can then check your answers using the answer sheet provided. Please click on the first link below to access the White Rose page, before completing ‘Lesson 4’ in ‘Summer Term – Week 2’. Please email us if you have any questions regarding this. Good luck!

Year 2 – Summer Week 2- Lesson 4 Worksheet

Year 2 – Summer Week 2 – Lesson 4 Answer sheet

Please click here to access today’s additional maths challenge if you have finished today’s maths and would like to push yourself even further.


Today’s extra activity is to continue with our science topic on plants, specifically thinking about the life cycle of a bean. Firstly click here to read a story about the different stages in the life cycle of a bean, and have a chat about how many stages there are, and what the bean looks like at each stage.


Once you have finished the story, have a go at sequencing the bean pictures below in the correct order. Can you label the root, shoot and leaf on the longest bean? If you do not have access to a printer to print the bean pictures, you could have a go at drawing and colouring the beans at the different stages of the cycle. Have fun!

Picture of beans: Bean sequence

Daily Time Fillers

Here are some additional activities for you to have a go at each day if you choose to. Please feel free to do as much or as little of these as you wish. We have added a handwriting booklet that you could work through very gradually, not in one go. You can either print the booklet, or do this onto paper of your own at home. We look forward to seeing how amazing your handwriting will be when we see your work. The Common Exception Words should also be learnt gradually, by selecting 2 or 3 words a week that you should aim to learn along side your weekly spellings.

  • 20 minutes of reading either a school book or a home book. Remember the scholastic learning zone too!
  • Practice your 2,5 and 10 times tables using TTRockstars, or a different method.
  • Practice your weekly spellings which will be provided below, and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.

Common Exception Words


Tuesday Weekly Spellings Update

Helpful Reminders

Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!

Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.

Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child. 

Bye for now!