Year 4 Wednesday 29th April
Good Morning Year 4!
Good morning everyone, well, here we are – half way through another week. We hope that you are all staying warm in this colder and drizzly weather! We are really enjoying all of your Big Cats work that is coming in and are pleased that this topic has sparked your attention. It has certainly been very interesting to read some of your work, we have also loved the sketches that have been coming too and we create a gallery at the end of the week in case you are finishing off your picture or haven’t sent it in yet.
We really do miss seeing you everyday and will be planning the date for our next Zoom call soon. It has been lovely hearing from some of you on email that we haven’t heard from for a while.
Page Contents

Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
Maths – Compare decimals
Today’s maths is all about comparing decimals being mindful of the value of each digit and remembering to use the place holder 0 where necessary. The numbers today will be represented using place value grids and number sentences, with a focus on using the symbols > (greater than) and < (less than). I always remember that the larger number goes next to the open end of the symbol and the smaller number by the pointed. When you are answering the questions with the number sentences, you might find it helpful to draw your own place value grids to give you a visual idea. Another key point that the video makes is how you say the numbers when they involve tenths and hundredths. For example, the number 0.36 is said as zero point three six, not zero point thirty six, this is where place value grid is a helpful tool if you are struggling. Remember, today’s White Rose video is: Summer 1, Week 1, Lesson 3.
Daily Maths Challenge
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard is started a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page on the school website where she will upload a new set of challenges everyday. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
English – A Year in the Life…
For your English work today, we would like you to think about the lifestyle of your big cat. You should be able to use information that you have gathered over the week. I have written an example text: A Year in the Life of a Snow Leopard, I wanted to do a day in the life, but snow leopards do not work to a routine in the same that humans do, so I was able to look at their life over a year. In my example, you will see that I have split it into three sections, you might find my subheadings useful to use for you own writing. I have also written as though I am the snow leopard using first person, we would like you to try the same. Try to imagine you are that animal and think about what they might tell you if they were being interviewed – a bit like when we looked at Evie and the Jungle on World Book Day. Try to use the specific and technical vocabulary you have found from your research too.

Topic – Some interesting Big Cat clips
Sadly the sun isn’t shining like it was last week, however that does mean that it’s the perfect opportunity to snuggle up and watch some Big Cat videos!
We have had a look for some great short clips to share about Big Cats, this first clip explains the differences between the four big cats and how to identify them. We have added some links to other sites with footage of big cats, listen out for the dulcet tones of Sir David Attenborough in the BBC Earth’s Youtube channel, or even search through the Deadly 60 page to find some good clips about Big Cats. Have a think about some of the strangest and most interesting things that you have learned. You could just sit back and enjoy the videos or record some information if you wish.

Ongoing Daily Time Fillers
Use your digital logins to play the following:-
- TTRockstars – Play 5 garage games
- Numbots – Play for 15 mins
- Spelling Shed – Play 3 rounds of this week’s spellings
- Reading – Read for at least 20 mins