Year 2 – Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Year 2 

Hello Year 2,

How are you today? We hope you are really well, and have been enjoying your learning this week. What has been your favourite part? Remember to try and get outside for some fresh air, and get some exercise today, as this will help keep you fit and healthy, which is very important for pirates! We are very thankful for all of your help is solving the pirate clues, and we love hearing your answers to them! We also love receiving pictures of your work, so keep those coming in to our Year 2 email address. 

Pirate Clues!  Ahoy Me Hearties!


These two map pieces were found under two of our computers. What a surprise that was! Thank you for solving the clues so quickly. It meant that the teachers could get on with their work quickly too! Looks like we’ll be finding that there loot sometime soon!  So make sure you work quickly today to find the next clue- we’ve certainly got some more work left to do! 

We would love to hear from you and see your lovely work, so please do not hesitate to email us at Have a great day!

Many thanks,

Year 2 Team 


Use the link below to reveal today’s clue: 

[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]



In English today, we will be beginning our planning for our pirate adventure story. We have a story starter and a planning sheet for you to complete. We will use this to guide our writing today. If you don’t have access to a printer, you can write your plan directly onto a sheet of paper.  The pdf flipchart below breaks our planning down into steps so you can work through this today as you complete your plan.

Remember this is your story, so feel free to add in any extra details that you like. You may also change your ideas after you plan it and that is fine too. Planning is basically an opportunity to try and test out ideas. The important thing is to make sure you have an exciting part and then a good ending. We are really looking forward to reading them after you have written them tomorrow.  Talking about your story once you have planned it is another way to plan a successful story. Try telling it to members of your family using story telling language: first, next, suddenly, out of the blue…

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Today in maths, we are going to be continuing our work on measurement, exploring the four operations with length. This involves using what we know about adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to help us solve problems involving length.

As with the other maths lessons shared, there is a video to help explore this concept, as well as an activity sheet to complete. You can then check your answers using the answer sheet provided. Please click on the first link below to access the White Rose page, before completing ‘Lesson 3’ in ‘Summer Term – Week 2’. Please email us if you have any questions regarding this. Good luck!

Year 2 – Summer Week 2- Lesson 3 Worksheet

Year 2 – Summer Week 2- Lesson 3 Answer sheet

Please find the additional maths challenge here if you have completed today’s maths and want to challenge yourself further.


Today’s extra activity is about the pollination of flowers and shows how flowers reproduce. There is a short piece of reading and then you can stick and sort the pictures into the correct order. You could also draw your own pictures if you’re feeling creative or if you can’t print it out. 





Video Resources

[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]


Daily Time Fillers

Here are some additional activities for you to have a go at each day if you choose to. Please feel free to do as much or as little of these as you wish. We have added a handwriting booklet that you could work through very gradually, not in one go. You can either print the booklet, or do this onto paper of your own at home. We look forward to seeing how amazing your handwriting will be when we see your work. The Common Exception Words should also be learnt gradually, by selecting 2 or 3 words a week that you should aim to learn along side your weekly spellings.

  • 20 minutes of reading either a school book or a home book.
  • Practice your 2,5 and 10 times tables using TTRockstars, or a different method.
  • Practice your weekly spellings which will be provided below, and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.

Common Exception Words


Tuesday Weekly Spellings Update

Helpful Reminders

Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!

Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.

Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child. 

Bye for now!