Year 4 Tuesday 28th April
Good Morning Year 4!
Good morning everyone, we hope you enjoyed your first day of learning about Big Cats! It was lovely to see some of your posters and fact files. We will continue the theme of Big Cats today with a bit more writing and some art work. As the week goes on, we hope that you will become real experts about your chosen Big Cat. We will also be looking at them through science and finding out about food chains.
Email Contact
As you may have read in Mr Applegate’s Newsletter this week, it would be lovely to hear from parents or children once a week if possible. You could send us a couple of sentences, a piece of work or even a photo of what the children have been up to. It doesn’t have to be school related, it would just be nice to hear from everyone. Equally, there is no pressure to email everyday but of course it is lovely to see all the work that the children are producing.
Scholastic Reading Library
We are delighted to see that some of you have accessed the Scholastic Reading Pro Library resource. To give you a little more information about this, this resource is like an electronic library where you or the children can choose the books you to read. Once you have logged in with the details which we emailed out, then go to ‘Reading Pro Library’ and then click on the ‘Books’ tab along the top. Here, you will be able to look through books of different ability levels and of different topics. You can search a topic or even filter books by level. We are not actively assigning books to children however, if you would like us to assign books to your child, do drop us an email on the Year 4 email account. It would be helpful to us if you could give us an idea of the type of books too.
Have a terrific Tuesday, and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.
Miss Goddard, Miss Hardy and Mrs Happy
Page Contents
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
Maths – Write decimals
In today’s Maths lesson, we will be learning how to write decimals using tenths and hundredths. We will be using place value charts and part whole models to support our understanding of this. It is important to remember to use zero (0) as a place holder where necessary. In the video, decimals are also linked to fractions, you will need to watch it carefully to make sure that you fully understand. Here is the link for the White Rose video, remember it is: Summer term, week 1, lesson 2.
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard is started a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page on the school website where she will upload a new set of challenges everyday. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
English – Creating a ‘Deadly 60’ report
For your English work today, we would like you to write a Deadly 60 style report based on your chosen big cat. I have watched a few Deadly 60 episodes and noticed that Steve Backshall likes to use lots of alliteration in his reports so you might like to try to do the same, he also uses similes and powerful adjectives. I have written a report about the snow leopard as an example, they really are fascinating creatures. In order to do some research I used the National Geographic and National Geographic Kids sites, which we have provided links for, you might also wish to watch some of the Deadly 60 episodes to get an idea of how Steve Backshall reports. The reports are not long, but do give a clear explanation of the animals that he reports on. Think about how powerful your chosen cat is and how it uses its legs, tail and paws, how do these make it so deadly?
You might also like to film your report once you have written it!
Topic – Art observational drawing of a big cat
You’ve been working hard to find out lots of information about your chosen big cat. Now is your opportunity to use your observational drawing skills to find out a little more about your animal’s appearance. Miss Goddard will model how to use observational skills to draw a big cat in the Youtube Video below. You can search on Google images for a picture you would like to draw, but there are also some pictures below you can download and use if you wish.
Please send in your drawings as we would love to showcase them in a gallery later this week.

Video Resources
[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]
Ongoing Daily Time Fillers
Use your digital logins to play the following:-
- TTRockstars – Play 5 garage games
- Numbots – Play for 15 mins
- Spelling Shed – Play 3 rounds of this week’s spellings
- Reading – Read for at least 20 mins