Year 3 – Tuesday 28th April
Good Morning Year 3
Happy Tuesday, We have been receiving lots of emails with fantastic pieces of work. Your work ethic with all your home learning has made all of your teachers very proud, so keep this up! Keep looking through the pictures of work as these change daily and you might be able to spot yours.
After your lovely sunny weekends, it seems that the sun has gone for a rest for a while. What else could you be doing on the rainy days that are coming up this week? Some baking? Maybe some reading in cosy corner? There is a book link below you could use to hear the story of Kid Normal. Do some more research on bees? Play some games with your family?
One of the Year 3 children has found this brilliant video on beekeeping and wanted to share it with everyone else. What lovely teamwork from the bees! Thank you Marcus for finding this for us. Click Here.
Year 3 Team

Today, we are continuing our work on Fractions using the White Rose Maths Lessons. This will involve watching the video clip and completing the worksheet. There is an answer sheet to check your work.
Please complete Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 2 – Equivalent Fractions 3 – This lesson builds on your knowledge from yesterday’s work on equivalent fractions, you will use a fraction wall to compare fractions and to help you find equivalent fractions.
You can find the video and resources for today’s lesson here
Make sure you click on Summer Term week 1, Lesson 2 Watch the clip and follow the instructions.
Resources you will need:
Please remember if you don’t have a printer you can copy into your maths book or onto paper. Try and complete as best as you can.
Don’t forget Miss Goddard’s challenges: click here.
When you have finished use the answer sheet to mark your work.
Things to remember
- Use your fraction wall to help compare the fractions.
- Remember the numerator tells you how many parts of the whole you are looking at so if you are finding 3/8 you can count three 1/8 sections on your fraction wall.
- You can multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number to give you an equivalent fraction e.g. An equivalent fraction to 2/5 = 4/10 because if we look at 2/5 the numerator of 2 x2 = 4 and the denominator 5 x 2 = 10 so this creates the fraction 4/10.
English/ Bookclub
For today’s English you are going to need a dictionary or a computer to search for the meanings of some of the words from the book.
Once you have done that can you draw a picture to help represent the word? Can you write them in a sentence too?
Resources you will need:
- A dictionary or computer
- Paper or your book
Enjoy today’s french lesson with Miss Stonehouse. Today you might recognise the tune that Miss Stonehouse is trying to play? Join in with today’s french lesson by signing in below.
[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]
Resources you will need:
- A quiet place to watch the video
Other optional links to look at including teachers videos…..
Ongoing Time Fillers
You may choose to complete these daily, weekly or a couple of times a week.
- PE with Joe – The Body Coach – 9am – Click here for link or take part in just dance video below.
- TTRockstars – Click here for website.
- Numbots – Click here for website.
- Spelling Shed – Click here for website.
- Reading – What book are you reading today?
- Handwriting – You can download a sheet or copy onto a book. Handwriting 3 Handwriting 4
You can find lots of learning resources that we have collated on the Educating Home Page. Click here to be redirected.
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if:
1. You have a question
2. Need a password
3. Need some help
4. Send us your work
5. Or even just say hello!
Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We will reply ASAP but it may not be the same day!
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book. in your homework book (if you have it at home) or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents:
* Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do them independently.
* We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
* The work we have set should take about 2 hours maximum spread throughout the day.
* Please note the ongoing activities are optional and could be completed once a week or more depending on time.