Newsletter 27th April 2020

Message from Mr Applegate
1. Home Learning – Feedback Required
2. Home Learning – Please email in once a week
3. Good luck, Miss Campbell!
4. Emails…
5. New Year R Parents
1. If you have any comments about home learning, please do let us know using this form. We are interested in your thoughts and suggestions. We are focusing on trying to get the amount of home learning right (ie not too much!), and also understanding that all families have different circumstances. We will also be adding a ‘weekly overview’ to our Monday posts, so you have a good idea of what the work will be about for the upcoming week.
2. We know that your children are working hard, and producing lovely work! Please could you email in a photo or a electronic document at least once a week, to the year group email address, so that the teachers can see how they are getting on? It’s up to you what is emailed in, but the teachers would like to see it, and praise their efforts. Note that Year R pupils can do this through Tapestry as normal. Thank you!
3. Miss Campbell, one of our fantastic pastoral team members, has officially started her maternity leave. She is doing well, and we all send her our very best wishes in the months to come! I’ve no doubt that she will pop in to say hello when things are back to normal. If you would like to send her a message, simply email the office.
4. Please do check your emails and spam/junk folders regularly. If you think you aren’t receiving anything simply email the school. Remember we aren’t sending out daily emails with links to children’s home learning. Simply go to the school home page and click on the year groups. If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
5. We are pleased to say we are full in Year R from September. Please do let any parents you know who are starting Year R with us about this page, and the registration form they need to complete.
Thank you for your ongoing support! Have a great week. Best wishes, Mr Applegate
Go Fund Me – FOSM Top Up Fundraiser
As we can’t run any FOSM events at school, the FOSM team are running a GoFundMe donation page. If you are able to donate, then please click on the FOSM logo. Thank you :)
Our target is £3,500 – we’re getting there!
Road Safety
Click here to read the Hampshire Summer Newsletter
NHS COVID-19 Leaflet For Parents
Extra Maths!
We have 2 great resources to share this week.
Want a daily Maths Challenge? Head over here, where Miss Goddard will get your mind thinking! Answers included!
PowerMaths from WhiteRose is an activity and teaching book for use during the summer term. It’s just been released at a cost of £5.99, and is available for Years 1-6. Whilst we won’t be referring to it in our home learning, it does match what we teach in school and is a helpful resource for that little bit of extra maths!
Only Joking!
From Elise in Year R:
- Knock knock, who’s there? Donut, donut who? Donut ask.. it’s a secret!
From Jack in Year 1:
- Why did the egg go to the North Pole? Because it was an egg-splorer.
From Jacob in Year 1:
- What is black, white and rainbow all over? A zebra who works in a paint shop!
- What do you call a rainbow with no colours? A plainbow!
From Nathan in Year 1:
- Who invented the bicycle? I don’t know but it was a wheely good idea!
Have a good joke? Email them in and we may use them in our next newsletter!
HeartSmart Family
Have a look here for how you can use a daily Boris video to support your child’s emotional health!
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.
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