Year R – Monday 27th April

Good Morning Puffins, Parrots and Penguins!

Happy Monday children! We hope you had fun-packed weekend with your family.

We are starting our week’s learning about castles today. I wonder who has visited a castle before? There are lots of interesting facts to learn about what they are, who lived in them and what life was like in a castle. We hope you enjoy your learning at home!

We loved seeing your Wild Things on Friday and we wanted to share some more of your fantastic Wild Things today!
See below for a gallery of some of your wonderful work! 

Today Mrs Rushton’s story is ‘The princess and the wizard’ by Julia Donaldson. We hope you enjoy it!

Year R Team 

This week we go up, up and away to explore… Castles

Helpful Reminders

Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password or need some help.

You can continue to use Tapestry to share your child’s work. Please only upload one post a day. You can either choose one activity or put all the activities you complete on one post.

We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!


The children in Year R are very rarely asked to work independently, particularly when writing. It is expected that they will need adult support to get started on all of the tasks we set for them here, and continue to need it throughout their activity. 

However, we want to continue to build their independence, so encourage them to use resources which can help them be independent like sound cards, letter formation cards for handwriting etc. 


Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities with you. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.

There is absolutely no expectation that you get all, if any of these activities completed each day. 

Ongoing Activities

You can find lots of learning resources that we have collated on the Educating Home Page.  Click here to be redirected.

    • Reading
    • Handwriting – for a video please click here
    • Keywords
    • Phonics
    • Number and shape, space and measure activities – try Numberblocks games and Maths Factor (see Educating Home Page)
    • Dough Disco – click here for a simple playdough recipe if you need it

English – Castle non-fiction 

Do you remember last week we took off in a hot air balloon and you looked at what the Earth would look like from the sky? That’s called the bird’s eye view.  

Adults at home: visit Google Earth again and starting at your house, zoom out until you can see the UK, then type in Bodiam Castle (East Sussex) into the search, and zoom back in until you are looking at it from above.

Click above to open Google Earth 

Can you recognise what it is children?

Use the slides below to look at photos of the castle. You might  also want to look at the National Trust website here for details of the different castle features found at Bodiam.  Have you ever visited a castle? Which one? What did you see? Did it look like this one?

Read ‘Castles’ Big Cat book from Collins connect website (or listen to the narrator).

To access the book click here. (Enter the Teacher portal: Username: Password: Parents20!  and click Login).

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Maths – Meet Numberblock 13!

Today we are going to meet the Numberblock 13! First watch the episode click here to view
Use these slides to help with your learning. Click here for Maths slides 
Can you collect 13 things from around your house or garden?  Now can you put them into a 20 frame?
You can use a template like this click to download or use the online frame and select the 20 Frame (click on the image below.)

Poor number 13 falls apart whenever anyone says his name! Can you help to rebuild him in different ways like he did in the episode?

You could 10 of one colour and 3 of another? As you make 13 in different ways, practise saying “10 and 3 more makes 13”.

Can you practise writing number 13? I wonder if you could make it super colourful to cheer him up a bit? As you are writing, remember the rhymes for 1 and 3 (see picture on slides).    

Making a crown

Who lives in a castle? That’s right, important people like Lords and Ladies, and often members of the royal family.
Imagine that you are a prince or a princess. What would your crown look like? Which jewels would it have? What shape would it be?
Today’s activity is to make your own crown. There are two different options to choose from for this:
1. Create your own using this template Design a crown template
     or get a grown up to draw an outline for you. 
2. Make one to wear using pieces of paper stuck together into a long piece, or a paper plate. Here are some ideas of what you could do. 

This week’s optional activities…

Here are some videos you might like to share together.

Video Resources

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Bye for now!