Year 4 Monday 27th April
Good Morning Year 4!
Good morning everyone, we hope you had a good weekend and managed to get lots of exercise either indoors or outside. Well done to all those who took part in our Rockstars battle with year 5, they narrowly beat us this time, so if we keep trying we will win. A special mention to George and Parker who each got well over a 1000 points each.
Some of us find it hard to get going on a Monday after our weekend so here are some ‘Motivation Monday’ quotes to help kick start your week:
‘You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.’
‘Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.’
Hopefully with these in mind you will have a great day. Our topic for this week is Big Cats – another one of your excellent choices. This week is packed full of exciting lessons finding where you will be able to choose a big cat to focus on and will have opportunities to find out facts, how they survive, be directed to some excellent videos to watch and even some artwork!
Here is a new link to Scholastic Reading Pro library. This is a site with lots of primary age books. We thought it might be useful if you are looking for something different to read. There are both fiction and non-fiction books available and you can do quizzes about the books if you like. and you will be receiving an email with a password for this site.
Miss Goddard, Miss Hardy and Mrs Happy
Page Contents

Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
Ongoing Daily Activities
Use your digital logins to play the following:-
- TTRockstars – Play 5 garage games
- Numbots – Play for 15 mins
- Spelling Shed – Play 3 rounds of this week’s spellings
- Reading – Read for at least 20 mins
Maths – Making a whole
In maths today, we will being understanding how different decimals can be added to create a whole. If you combine your knowledge of number bonds and the work you have just completed on decimals you will see it is exactly the same as working with whole numbers, but because the decimals are a fraction of a whole they combine to make 1. Here is the link for the White Rose video , which is Summer Term, Week 1, Lesson 1.
If you are looking for extra Maths practice or want to warm up your ‘Maths brain’, you can play a game with your number bonds, one person says a 2 digit number and the other person has to say how many more are needed to make 100. If more people in your family want to play, you can make the winner the first person to get the answer. Don’t forget the ones will add up to make an extra ten.
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard is started a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page on the school website where she will upload a new set of fun challenges everyday. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
English – Big Cat Statistic Research
Watch the Youtube video below, where Miss Goddard will introduce your new project ‘Big Cats’ and will also explain today’s English and related Topic task.
You firstly need to choose a big cat to focus on this week. You can choose from one of the main groups – lion, cheetah, jaguar or leopard but you may want to be really specific for example a clouded leopard, a Siberian tiger or even a panther (which is actually a type of jaguar!) It doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about them – you certainly will be the end of the week!
Once you have chosen your big cat, then we would like you to find out as many statistics as you can about this animal. A ‘statistic’ is another word for number. Here are some questions you could look into…
How much does it weigh?
How long is it?
How fast can it run?
How far can it jump?
How long are its canine teeth?
How long are its whiskers?
How many spots/ stripes does it have?
How many cubs does a female bare?
How long is a female pregnant for?
What year did it become endangered (if it is)?
How many are left in the wild?
How many are left in captivity?
How many teeth does it have?
How long are its claws?
How much food does it eat?
Or anything else of interest! Remember, today’s challenge is all about numbers so any fact related to a statistic.
If you want an extra challenge, you could compare some of these figures to a human so that you are able to make a comparison e.g. 180 kg is the weight of a male lion compared to a man who weighs around 80kg.
Once you have found the answers to a selection of questions, use your topic work time to present your findings.
Topic – Presenting Big Cat Statistics!
If you watched the Youtube video below, you would have heard some creative suggestions of how to present your work. Why not give one of these ideas a go – try decorating your work using the pattern on your big cat’s fur or even hide your information under little flaps so your reader can guess what the statistic might be about. You don’t have to present all your findings, you could choose a selection like the 8 which Miss Goddard has chosen. Here is the example you were shown in the video…

Video Resources
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