Year 4 Friday 24th April
Good Morning Year 4!
Good morning everyone. The sun is shining even brighter today, so we hope that it is helping you feel positive. What good deeds did you get up to yesterday? Could you do more today, these are the best bits of the news to watch, because they remind us of all the amazing things people are doing. Do share any of your good ideas or kind things you have done with us.
We have set up a TTRockstars battle for today with Year 5. If you play any games between 9am and 3pm they will count to our score. The teachers will try and help you, but we need as many of you as possible to have a go even if it is only a few games – everyone’s efforts help!
We have really enjoyed looking at all the work you have sent us, especially your ideas about how inventions will develop in the future. We wonder if any of them will come true. Excitingly, Miss Stonehouse has added a French lesson for you to try today. Access it with the same password as before.
Did you know today is DNA day? DNA makes up the cells from which we are all made, it is passed from parents to children and is different for everyone. So it is a day to celebrate a discovery rather than an invention but scientists are always working hard to find ways of improving our lives by understanding how DNA works and using it to solve medical problems. In English today, you will be finding out about a famous inventor many of whom are scientists. I think some of the greatest inventions have been medical. Do you agree?
Here is a worship you might like to share as a family all about St George: Click here
Have a good weekend.
Miss Goddard, Miss Hardy and Mrs Happy
Page Contents
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
Ongoing Daily Activities
Use your digital logins to play the following:-
- TTRockstars – Play 5 garage games
- Numbots – Play for 15 mins
- Spelling Shed – Play 3 rounds of this week’s spellings
- Reading – Read for at least 20 mins
Maths – Dividing 1 & 2 digits by 100
Today’s lesson is all about dividing by 100 which we have worked on earlier in the year with whole numbers. Today you will be able to divide smaller numbers and include decimals in your answer. Using the place value charts will help you remember to move each digit 2 places to the right. Remember when you use the Gattengo chart you will need to move down rather than across. Here is the White rose video link to help you.
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard is started a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page on the school website where she will upload a new set of challenges everyday. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
English – Informative writing about an inventor
All week, you have been learning about inventions and inventors. Today, we would like you to focus on one inventor. That inventor could be someone you already know a little about, it could be someone you have learned about this week or you could start some research about someone new!
You can present your work however you like – a poster (handwritten or on the computer), a PowerPoint, an information booklet or even a standard piece of writing! Try to cover the answers to the following questions in your work:
- What is the inventor’s full name?
- When were they born?
- Where were they born?
- What was their job?
- What did they invent?
- How did they invent it?
- How did they invention change the world?
- Did any other key events happen in their life?
- Are there any interesting facts about them?
There is a lovely idea below of a poster – it has all the information along with pictures and ‘Fun Facts!’

French – Animals
Miss Stonehouse is back with a French video for you. In this Youtbe video below, she will be describing animals using colours. Give it a go trying to copy some of the sentences she reads out. Remember that in French, the adjective comes after the noun unlike in English – for example we would say ‘the brown dog’ but they would say ‘the dog brown’ (or le chien brun!)
Video Resources
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