Year 3 – Thursday 23rd April
Good Morning Year 3
Wow, we are so impressed with your art work yesterday Year 3, you most certainly used our learning behaviour of creativity. Take a look at the pictures we received.

Looking at all your lovely art makes us think how lucky we are to have beautiful things around us all the time. Things that we shouldn’t take for granted. So why don’t you spent some time outside, watching, listening and taking in our fabulous world. These pictures were taken around school, doesn’t it look stunning?
Enjoy today’s learning
Year 3 Team
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if:
1. You have a question
2. Need a password
3. Need some help
4. Send us your work
5. Or even just say hello!
Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We will reply ASAP but it may not be the same day!
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book. in your homework book (if you have it at home) or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents:
* Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do them independently.
* We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
* The work we have set should take about 2 hours maximum spread throughout the day. Â
* Please note the ongoing activities are optional and could be completed once a week or more depending on time.Â
Ongoing Activities
You may choose to complete these daily, weekly or a couple of times a week.
- PE with Joe – The Body Coach – 9am – Click here for link. or take part in just dance video below.
- TTRockstars – Click here for website.
- Numbots – Click here for website.
- Spelling Shed – Click here for website.
- Reading – What book are you reading today?
- Handwriting – You can download a sheet or copy onto a book. Year 3 – Handwriting 1 Year 3 – Handwriting 2
You can find lots of learning resources that we have collated on the Educating Home Page. Click here to be redirected.
Today, we are continuing our work on Fractions using the White Rose Maths Lessons. This will involve watching the video clip and completing the worksheet. There is an answer sheet to check your work.
Please watch the video from Week 2 – Fractions of a set of objects 3 – This lesson reviews the work of the last few days looking at real life examples.
Please note: This lesson is challenging and you can decide whether to challenge yourself and complete the worksheet to accompany the video clip or complete the fractions problems based on the first 2 examples in the video clip on the attached maths sheet – Year 3 – Maths – 23.4.20 easier worksheet
You can find the video and resources (if you are using them) for today’s lesson here
Make sure you click on week 2, Lesson 4. Watch the clip and follow the instructions.
Resources you will need:
Please remember if you don’t have a printer you can copy into your maths book or onto paper. Try and complete as best as you can.
- Year 3 – Lesson 4 23.4.20 – Maths – Worksheet
- Year 3 – Maths – 23.4.20 easier worksheet
- Year 3 – Lesson 4 23.4.20 – Maths – Answers
When you have finished use the answer sheet to mark your work.
Things to remember
• Remember the denominator (the bottom number) tells you how many equal parts you divide the whole into. So if you are finding 2/3 the 3 will tell you how many rows you need in an array or that you will need 3 sections in a bar model.
• Perimeter means the distance all the way around the shape.
• Don’t forget to exchange a ten for 10 ones or 100 for 10 tens to help you divide numbers equally.
Want an extra Maths Challenge?
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard is starting a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page on the school website where she will upload a new set of challenges everyday. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
English/ Bookclub
Today you are going to read through the PowerPoint and decide which verbs and adverbs will best fit the scenes. Use the word bank to help you and you have the story so far.
Resources you will need:
- Verb and adverb word bank
- Book or paper to record your work.
- Book so far to help you: Year-3-23.3.20-Pages-2-7
In Geography this half term we are thinking about the world around us. We will be completing some map work and using the four cardinal points that we learnt about last half term. Work through the PowerPoint and follow the instructions on here for today’s task.
Resources you will need:
- A square piece of paper
- A pencil
- Colouring pencils
- Great observing eyes!
Other optional links to look at including teachers videos…..
Topic link:
Make yourself familiar with Google Maps.
Take a look using the link below – what features can you spot?
Just Dance/ Go noodle video:
Enjoy this story read by David Walliams
This week David has released the following stories: Miss Petula Perpetual-motion/ Fussy Frankie/ Bonnie Bossypants/ Vain Valentine/ Bertha the Blubberer/ Competitive Colin / Sofia sofa.
Find a quiet spot and enjoy one of his stories.