Newsletter 20th April

Message from Mr Applegate
I hope you’ve had a good weekend. Hasn’t the weather generally been great recently?! Our school grounds are looking good in the sun – see our homepage for a selection of photos.
This week, our home learning begins again. Please remember that the activities on the year group pages are suggestions, and a toned-down version of what we would try to cover in school. We completely understand that with multiple children, working from home and/or limited technology/resources available, it can make home learning stressful. Better to do less, do it well, and reduce stress, than to try to do everything and … well, you know! Our teachers are available to help via the year group emails, too.
Zoom class meets will be happening this week and next, if they haven’t already happened. You’ll receive an email from the office at some point, giving the details of dates, times and links. We aim to do zoom class meetings roughly every 3 weeks.
Please do check your emails regularly, including your junk/spam folders. If you’re not receiving anything, please let us know by sending an email to Thank you.
And a huge thank you to to Mrs Silvester, Mrs Boyle and Mrs Mitchell for creating the ‘Hair’ video, and Jack’s mum (Y1) for creating the artwork video montage. Well done children for sending in your posters. They are great! See the next challenge in our newsletter. Enjoy!
Have a good week, Mr Applegate
Go Fund Me – FOSM Top Up Fundraiser
As we can’t run any FOSM events at school, the FOSM team are running a GoFundMe donation page. If you are able to donate, then please click on the FOSM logo. Thank you :)
Our target is £3,500 – we’re getting there, and will keep the page open whilst we are off school.
The hair video you’ve been waiting for! (password is same as for home learning videos)
[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]
HeartSmart Family
Have a look here for how you can use a daily Boris video to support your child’s emotional health!
Funny Corner
From Emily in Year 1:
- Why should you never give Elsa, from Frozen a balloon? Because she will Let it Go!
- What did the ocean say to the pirate? Nothing, it just waved!
From Riaz in Year R:
- What’s a crocodiles favourite game? Snap!
What day of the week are most twins born? Twos-day!
What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear?
Have a good joke? Email them in and we may use them in our next newsletter!
Mental Health
You may be interested in what the Anna Freud Centre has to say about Mental Health, and how to support your child. See here for details.
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.
Send a picture of hope
Could you email in a drawing or poster to bring a smile to a member of Immanuel Church?! Rev May has been in touch, saying that it would be so good for the members to have a drawing given to each member of Immanuel, just to say hello and bring a smile!
If you can help, simply take a picture of what you’ve done and email it to Rev May will then deliver these to the church members.
Thank you!
BBC Learning
You may have heard about the BBC offering lessons and learning activities. We are doing lots of work behind the scenes to work out what is best for the children at St Mark’s. We will continue with the home learning activities we are setting, which may include some of the BBC activities, but not exclusively. We are very mindful that our children will return to St Mark’s learning at some point, and want to make sure they have the best chance of not missing out on the St Mark’s learning programme.
Basingstoke & Deane Council – Communication
Changes to waste collections
From Monday 20 April Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council will collect your grey waste bin fortnightly instead of weekly. This is a temporary change during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your recycling collection will take place as usual and your waste bin will be emptied on the opposite week. Your collection day will not change. There’s lots more information on the council’s website here
Some key points to note are:
– This is a temporary change.
– If you have a grey 140 litre waste bin you can leave out two additional bags for collection.
– If you have a grey 240 litre waste bin this will be sufficient and no additional bags will be taken.
– If you have a large family you can apply for an additional bin if you do not already have one.
– Assisted collections will continue.
– Clinical waste collections will continue.
– Recycling and glass collections will continue as normal.
– Please recycle as much as you can and follow the advice on our website.
– Start looking at how much waste you throw away and how you can reduce this by buying differently.
– Start squashing your waste, like yoghurt pots, to maximise the capacity of your grey bin.
Community Hub
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council is working closely with Hampshire County Council, Basingstoke Voluntary Action and community groups in the borough as part of the Basingstoke and Deane Community Hub. A new Coronavirus Hampshire Helpline – Hantshelp4vulnerable – has been set up to help residents who are having to stay in their home, (for example as they are over 70 or have a medical condition), and do not have help from family and friends. You can register for urgent support such as access to essential food or household supplies and collection of medication. The helpline is available seven days a week, from 9am to 5pm, by calling 0333 370 4000. For more information about the support available in your area, please visit
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