Year 4 – Friday 17th April
Hello Parents and Children of Year 4!
Zoom Class Chat
Hopefully by now, you should have received an email about the class Zoom video calls next week. If you haven’t, please check your junk emails first then email the Year 4 team if there are still any issues. Please ensure that you read the email carefully as there is a lot of information. I know some children have already emailed in to say how excited they are – we are too!
Home Learning
Friday is here already which means it is coming to the end of the Easter Holidays. Next week, we will continue with our daily Home Learning tasks which we will post the night before to help make preparation easier. Our theme for next week will be ‘Inventors and Inventions’ followed by ‘Big Cats’ in week two, so you have an idea of what is coming up.
Before Monday comes, we wanted to share some thoughts with you about learning at home. Please be assured that we do understand that every family is in a different position – some families are juggling learning with children in different year groups, some have parents working from home, others may even be facing children who aren’t always wanting to learn. Please remember that the work we are setting each day is optional and although we believe it will be helpful in most cases, it is not an expectation to complete everything. You have to make it work for your individual family and your situation; we are a phone call or an email away if you ever need support. Your child’s happiness is most important to us.
If you haven’t read this information on our school website yet, it offers some very useful advice:
Hopefully most of you have had contact with an adult at school, whether through email or phone. It is lovely to hear from yourselves and the children, whether that be sending in their work or just a little update about how you are getting on. If you haven’t had any school contact yet, then hopefully we either see you in the video chat next week, or we will be on contact. Thank you for your support over the last few weeks.
From Miss Hardy, Mrs Happy, Miss Goddard and Mrs Tunnicliffe