Year 3 – Friday 17th April

Good Morning Year 3

Well it’s nearly the end of the Easter break. We hope you’ve had fun and not eaten too much. Next week we will start our new topic and set you some activities for your home learning. Have you had chance to make a kite? or a sock bunny? There is still time – don’t forget to send us a picture to our email account, we love opening your emails and seeing all your wonderful work (we are working). 

So your challenge for this weekend is – How many times can you get someone to say thank you to you for completing an act of kindness. This could be helping with your younger brother or sister, helping tidy up (without being asked) or helping make dinner. Let us know how you did after the weekend. 

Don’t forget we will announce the winners of the lego competition MONDAY. You have till Sunday to get these into us!

Have a lovely weekend – See you for your online learning Monday!

Year 3 Team 

Share your work!

We’d love to share a piece of artwork your child has done. It can be of anything – a rainbow for the NHS, a piece of home learning, a poster, a drawing, a painting, a design, anything! Just make sure you only send in a photo of the work, not the child or anything on the photo that may identify them (e.g. full name). Simply email it to and we’ll do the rest! We’ll make a video montage of it, and share it on our website. We would love to have as many entries as possible. Closing date is Sunday 19th April!

Reminders for your parents this week – Do as much or as little as you would like 

The Easter activities are included in Tuesday 14th April  post. These are aimed to provide some down time or entertainment over the break. They are completely optional and can be used as you wish as a family – if you prefer some of the activities on different year groups, please do use these. This also applies to the additional daily activities that are included. You can do as much or as little as you like.

We are still regularly checking our emails over the Easter break, so please do not hesitate to email us with any questions, concerns, to share your work with us, or just to say hello. Our email address is:

As stated on our website ‘The National Geographic’ are releasing a free children’s magazine online each day for the next three months. If you would like to access this resource, please click here.

Take a look here for some HeartSmart videos you may like to share as a family. 

Video Resources

[passster password=”StMarksYoutube*”]

LINK HERE (just paste it with Ctrl-V)


Have a super evening!