Year 4 – Thursday 16th April
Good Morning to the Children and Parents of Year 4!
We have some exciting news for you as next Tuesday, the 21st April, the Year 4 teachers will be hosting some Zoom video calls with each class! Please keep an eye on your emails over the coming days which will contain all the details you need to know.
Thank you to those of you who voted for your favourite goldfish name – the results are in and we can confirm that our aquatic friend will now be called ‘Tunnicliffe’.
This current situation has certainly got me thinking about all the ‘little things’ in life which we don’t always notice or appreciate because life is usually so busy. I know that I am missing a cuddle with my friends, being able to go out on day trips and having family over for a barbecue in this nice weather. On the other hand, I am taking time to appreciate the things I do have around me – a chat over the fence with a neighbour, going for walks in my local area and having more time to do the things I love. I wonder – what ‘little things’ are you missing or appreciating more?
From Miss Goddard, Mrs Tunnicliffe, Mrs Happy and Miss Hardy.