Year 3 – Wednesday 15th April

Good Morning Year 3

Good morning lovely Year 3’s.

Be honest, hands up if you still have chocolate left over from Easter? Well done! And, hands up if you don’t? Good effort! I applaud you all. Me, I’m still feeling a little unwell from all the chocolate I’ve eaten and I’m more than old enough to know better!

It’s been a funny old time being at home each day hasn’t it? I’ve enjoyed being able to spend more time with my little girl and we’ve spent a lot of time out in the garden in the sunshine. We’ve made a lot of mess painting our garden fence and had a great time painting rainbows for our windows and for our neighbours to put in theirs. We’ve felt like a real community each Thursday evening when we’ve all clapped and cheered for our brave doctors, nurses and key workers and thought together about how fortunate we are to have such love and support around us.

I know that I speak for all of the year 3 grown- ups when I say how much I’ve missed teaching you. It’s been so good to be able to help you with your learning at home and I’ve really enjoyed reading stories for you to listen to. It’s a small way that we can still be together. I’m so proud of all the effort that you are putting into your work and have loved reading the emails you’ve been sending in, thank you.

So, your challenge for today, if you choose to accept it, is to complete my quiz. You’ll need to use your film knowledge to answer the questions. Some are about film characters, a few are about movie songs and for some you’ll need to know the name of the film. You could compete against other people in your family, divide yourself up into teams or even keep a record of your score to compare against a friend’s. The answer to each question is on the next page. So have fun!

As we progress through the next few days and weeks, unsure of what quite to expect, please do one thing for me. Remember just how much everyone at St. Mark’s care about you- your friends and classmates, your teachers and all the other grown-ups in school. There is always someone thinking of you fondly, looking forward to seeing you again and excited about welcoming you back to school when we’re allowed to.

I wish you all a day full of sunny smiles and happy thoughts.
Warmest wishes to you and your families,
Mrs Brackenridge

Powerpoint link here:  Mrs Brackenridge’s Film Quiz
PDF version here: Mrs Brackenridge’s Film Quiz

Share your work!

We’d love to share a piece of artwork your child has done. It can be of anything – a rainbow for the NHS, a piece of home learning, a poster, a drawing, a painting, a design, anything! Just make sure you only send in a photo of the work, not the child or anything on the photo that may identify them (e.g. full name). Simply email it to and we’ll do the rest! We’ll make a video montage of it, and share it on our website. We would love to have as many entries as possible. Closing date is Sunday 19th April!



Reminders for your parents this week – Do as much or as little as you would like 

The Easter activities are included in Tuesday 14th April Post. These are aimed to provide some down time or entertainment over the break. They are completely optional and can be used as you wish as a family – if you prefer some of the activities on different year groups, please do use these. This also applies to the additional daily activities that are included. You can do as much or as little as you like.

We are still regularly checking our emails over the Easter break, so please do not hesitate to email us with any questions, concerns, to share your work with us, or just to say hello. Our email address is:

As stated on our website ‘The National Geographic’ are releasing a free children’s magazine online each day for the next three months. If you would like to access this resource, please click here.

Take a look here for some HeartSmart videos you may like to share as a family. 

Don’t forget our competition – There will be a prize on our return to school! 

Video Resources – Story Time with Mrs Brackenridge

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Have a super evening!