Newsletter 13th April 2020

Message from Mr Applegate
Happy Easter to you and your family. I do hope that you’ve had a good weekend together.
We’d love to share a piece of artwork your child has done. It can be of anything – a rainbow for the NHS, a piece of home learning, a poster, a drawing, a painting, a design, anything! Just make sure you only send in a photo of the work, not the child or anything on the photo that may identify them (e.g. full name). Simply email it to and we’ll do the rest! We’ll make a video montage of it, and share it on our website. We would love to have as many entries as possible. Closing date is Sunday 19th April!
It is sadly the week that we say an official goodbye to Mrs Tunnicliffe. As from Monday 20th April, she will be working at St John’s as Phase Leader for Years 3&4. Mrs Tunnicliffe knows the school well, having worked there before joining St Mark’s. We will very much miss Mrs Tunnicliffe. Since starting with us almost two years ago, she has become a much loved teacher and member of the team. Her hard-working, calming and caring nature have helped all of those in her care, and we will all miss her. Mrs Tunnicliffe would like to come back to St Mark’s to say hello to those in Year 4 whenever we return. So don’t worry, we will all have a chance to say goodbye in person! Mrs Tunnicliffe, we wish you all the best in the future!
Well done to all of our Website Easter Egg hunters! See below if you were a winner of a prize.
Finally, a reminder that any Easter home-learning is purely there for suggestions, not actions. Read here for more information. Relax and enjoy the break!
Have a good week, Mr Applegate
Go Fund Me – FOSM Top Up Fundraiser
As we can’t run any FOSM events at school, the FOSM team are running a GoFundMe donation page. If you are able to donate, then please click on the FOSM logo. Thank you :)
Our target is £3,500 – we’re getting there.
As we raised £1,500, Mr Applegate will shave his hair. It will be a school effort, so look out for a video coming soon!
Website Easter Egg Hunt Winners
Well done to the children below who were the first or second to find the Easter Eggs across our website. Two eggs weren’t found at all – they are on the Bridge page and Autism page. See if you can find them!
- Ava (Puffins)
- Stanley (Puffins)
- Annabelle (1J)
- Lucas (1J)
- Joseph (1J)
- Jack (1J)
- Luke (1J)
- Lucas (2T)
- Eddie (3BE)
- Eddie (3BE)
- Harry (3SB)
- Emilia (3SB)
- Benjamin (3SB)
- Madison (4SH)
- Dylan (4T)
- Lucas (6P)
- Amy (6S)
- Fearne (6S)
- Mathew (6S)
Good jokes, bad jokes!
What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A stick.
What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador.
How does a scientist freshen her breath? With experi-mints.
How do you talk to a giant? Use big words.
What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? A dino-snore.
Have a good joke? Email them in and we may use them in our next newsletter!
HeartSmart Family
Have a look here for how you can use a daily Boris video to support your child’s emotional health!
Recent posts from our website
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