Year 6 – Thursday, 9th April, 2020

Good Morning Super Year 6!

SAP BrandVoice: Does The Easter Bunny Have A Sustainable Supply Chain?

Hello everyone! Hope you are all feeling fine and dandy today. Today is Maundy Thursday which is the day in the Easter story when Jesus had his Passover meal with his disciples known as the Last Supper.

Today’s page brings you some new great(ish) jokes and some more activity ideas to keep you from getting bored. Remember they are only for those who want to get involved. 

Take a look here for some HeartSmart videos you may like to share as a family. 

Mrs Silvester, Miss Pettitt and Mrs Chapman 

 Daily Fun Easter Activities

Daily physical activity of some sort is still very important (and can be fun too!) so make sure you get your body moving at some point today. Go out on your bike with a family member, a lovely springtime walk or some PE exercises in the lounge or garden. Some of you might have a skipping rope. How many fast jumps can do you do in a minute?

Mrs Silvester is still up for a times table battle on TT Rockstars – she will be in the Year 6 Arena every day at 11am if you fancy joining her. Her Rockstars name is Harmony Powers. 

Some colouring-in fun

With the symbol of the lion, together we are strong.

The Lion – mindfulness colouring

Try to create an Easter card

Here’s another idea for an Easter card to send to someone you care about. 

Easter card ideas 2

Easter Cooking

Why not try one of these savoury ideas?

Easter chick eggs

Mini pizza quiches.docx

Hot Cross Scones

Easter Maths Fun

For all you budding mathematicians, there will be some maths tasks you can get involved with each day.

Try this interactive game where you play ‘connect three’ against the computer

Here’s another game from the same site, it’s called ‘tug harder.’

Spring time English

Write a job advert for the Easter bunny. What qualities must they possess? What will their responsibilities be if they are successful and given the job? What rewards might this job bring? What will their working hours be? Will there be a salary (money they get paid for doing this job)?

Make the advert look colourful for this springtime advert.

Are you ready for some more jokes?

  • What did one Easter egg say to the other? Heard any good yolks today?
  • What do you call an Easter egg from outer space? An egg-straterrestrial!
  • Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke? It might crack up!
  • What do you call a very tired Easter egg? Eggs-austed.
  • What’s an Easter egg’s least favorite day? Fry-day.
  • What do you call a mischievous egg? A practical yolk-er.
  • What happens if you tell a joke to an Easter egg? It cracks up.
  • Did you hear the one about the house infested with Easter eggs? It needed an eggs-terminator!
  • Why was the little girl sad after the Easter egg hunt? Because an egg beater!
  • Why did the Easter egg hide? It was a little chicken!

The End!