Year 4 – Wednesday 8th April
Hello Year 4!
It’s been rather strange for the last few weeks but I hope that you have started to get used to this new way of life for the time being and have spent more time relaxing this week whether that’s been spending time with your family, going for walks, playing in your garden or even doing something crafty.
I have really enjoyed becoming part of the Year 4 team and helping to plan lessons for you all. I’m excited about the projects coming up after the ‘Easter Holidays’ – Big Cats, Inventions, Earthquakes and Volcanoes and Superheroes! It will be lovely to see some of you on zoom in a few weeks; maybe we can do a quiz together and have some fun!
Life has certainly changed for teachers too. I have been in school some days and learning how to upload videos to Youtube when I have been working at home – it’s all a learning curve! I’ve also had lots more free time so I’ve been keeping my body healthy by doing Joe Wicks in the morning, going cycling and walking lots. I also love to cook so I’ve been making lots of meals from scratch and trying new recipes. I love art and craft and so it has also given me the opportunity to practise skills and learn new things; I have been learning how to embroider recently. Maybe I could teach some of you when we are back at school.
Enjoy the rest of your break,
From Miss Goddard

On another note, thank you to 4T for all the name suggestions for 4T’s goldfish. If you would like to, please vote for your favourite name using the survey link below; we will announce the results next week.