Year R – Tuesday 7th April

Good Morning Penguins, Puffins and Parrots!

Hello Children,

We hope you are all well and still enjoying the lovely weather.  I was a bit unsure what would happen yesterday morning when I saw it had been raining but the sun soon had his hat on again!   

We hope you enjoyed getting started on the Easter activities we suggested for you yesterday, we would love to see some of your wonderful creations on Tapestry.

The holidays are a wonderful time to have a bit of a rest, but remember to keep being Heart Smart and helping your grown ups at home whenever you can.

Have a lovely day!

From the Year R Teachers

Holiday Activities – 

  • Set up a garden obstacle course and record yourself completing it.
  • Create a photo storybook.  For example – The adventures of your favourite Teddy – take photos of your cuddly toy and then get an adult to video you telling your story or perform it to an audience.
  • Draw a picture and send it to someone to make them smile.
  • Make some animals out of playdough.
  • Video call a member of your famliy and read them a story.
  • Try a Numberblocks make and play activity. Click to open.
  • Take the Lego Play challenge. See here for details.

Easter Themed Activities –

  • An Easter egg hunt.
  • A “Busy Bodies” Easter hunt in the garden. Click to download ideas and resources.
  • A “Keyword” Easter hunt in the garden.  Click on the sheet below to download and print (alternatively make your own or make your own keyword hunt: write out pairs of keywords – keep one set, hide one set and when you find a word match it to the word in your set.)   


  • A “Number” Easter hunt in the garden – Download and print the sheet below, cut each egg in half and hide all the parts. Once the children have found the egg parts they have to combine the correct ones to make a total of 10 e.g. 8 and 2, 7 and 3 etc  

  • Make an Easter cross from sticks.

Helpful Reminders

Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password or need some help.

You can continue to use Tapestry to share your child’s work. Please only upload one post a day. You can either choose one activity or put all the activities you complete on one post.

We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!


The children in Year R are very rarely asked to work independently, particularly when writing. It is expected that they will need adult support to get started on all of the tasks we set for them here, and continue to need it throughout their activity. 

However, we want to continue to build their independence, so encourage them to use resources which can help them be independent like sound cards, letter formation cards for handwriting etc. 


Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities with you. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.

There is absolutely no expectation that you get all, if any of these activities completed each day. 

Bye for now!