Newsletter – 6th April 2020

Message from Mr Applegate
- Easter home learning activities are not compulsory – they are just fun suggestions!
- Thank you for your generosity in the FOSM fundraiser.
- Virtual Easter Egg Hunt on our website.
- Happy Easter everyone :)
Go Fund Me – FOSM Top Up Fundraiser
As we can’t run any FOSM events at school, the FOSM team are running a GoFundMe donation page. If you are able to donate, then please click on the image below. Thank you :)
If we get to £1500, Mr Applegate will shave his hair, using No1 clippers!
Virtual Easter Egg Hunt
Our website is hiding 12 eggs! They all look like this!
If you can find them, click on them and fill out the form (hint – they may behind a ‘tab’). You get 1 RP for each egg found, and if you’re the first one to find the egg, there will be a nice chocolate prize for you when we return to school.
Happy virtual hunting!
Good jokes, bad jokes!
Why did the book join the police? Because he wanted to go undercover!
How do celebrities stay cool in this hot weather? They have many fans.
Why are spiders so smart? They can find everything on the web.
What’s an astronaut’s favourite part of a computer? The space bar.
Have a good joke? Email them in and we may use them in our next newsletter!