HeartSmart for the family

The last few weeks have been strange and quite unsettling for our children.  At school we use HeartSmart as one of the tools to help children explore feelings and find ways of coping in different situations.

For just under the last 2 weeks Boris the Robot and Dave have recorded a daily message to try to share some ideas and ways to cope in these unsettling times.  They are taking a break over Easter but you can find Friday’s film by visiting https://www.heartsmart.family/

Here is a video clip from the past week which discusses ideas of things that could help children feel more settled –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSqL6gnKgJI&t=

If you want to catch up with past daily videos you can find them on this you tube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtplPW0JUOfN-J6-rnK4wA?sub_confirmation=1

As some children will be more aware of the challenges that are going on around us, it may be beneficial to watch the clips first to ensure you are happy with the issues being discussed in some of the clips.