Year R – Friday 3rd April

Good Morning Parrots, Puffins and Penguins!

Good morning all our little friends!  :) 

Mrs Mitchell has been out on walks and has spotted so many rainbows – each of them made her smile and have hope for the future. Thank you! 


Did you know you have inspired each of the teachers?  – we have all added rainbows to our windows too – Together we are making the world smile one rainbow at a time. :)


Today we have a story with Mrs Rushton to look forward to as well as a really exciting Maths games Mrs Hearn has made! 

Also, Boris is back with another Worship. This can be found in the ‘Educating Home’ link on the main page. Click on section ‘10. Worship’. 

Have a lovely day Year R and a wonderful weekend – it’s going to be warm and sunny apparently! 

Year R Team 

Helpful Reminders

Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password or need some help.

You can continue to use Tapestry to share your child’s work. Please only upload one post a day. You can either choose one activity or put all the activities you complete on one post.

We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!


The children in Year R are very rarely asked to work independently, particularly when writing. It is expected that they will need adult support to get started on all of the tasks we set for them here, and continue to need it throughout their activity. 

However, we want to continue to build their independence, so encourage them to use resources which can help them be independent like sound cards, letter formation cards for handwriting etc. 


Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities with you. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.

There is absolutely no expectation that you get all, if any of these activities completed each day. 

Ongoing Daily Activities

  • Counting and sorting objects – count accurately and sort by colour/size/shape
  • Reading on Oxford Owl– you’ll need to create a parents account for this.
  • Handwriting – tracing over your alphabet card and name.
  • Keywords – practise these everyday. These are at the bottom of the ‘Educating Home’ section on the Home page of the website, under the ‘Our Classroom Resources’ section. Click here to be redirected.
  • Phonics Play -sign in for free – Username: march20 Password: home.
  • Teach Your Monster To Read– the computer version is free.
  • Numberblocks Games on cBeebies.
  • Practise your Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 sounds with Mrs Baird. Click here.
  • *NEW* 300+ Big Cat reading book free to read! Click here and go to the reading section.
  • *NEW* Practise your Dough Disco Moves – Click here to see the Dough Disco moves. Click here for a simple playdough recipe if you need it.
  • *NEW* Several parents have made contact about how to do the formation of our cursive school letters. For a handwriting session about ‘curly caterpillar letters’ please click here.

English – 

Click on the story book below to look at the pictures of Fergus throughout the story. Talk to your grown up about what is happening in the pictures then think about how Fergus may have been feeling and what he might have been thinking in each picture. 



If you want to share your ideas with us, you could write down what Fergus is feeling in a thought bubble and post it onto Tapestry.

Click here for a flipchart of pictures

Click here for thought bubbles for writing

Maths – 

Activity 1 –

To get those little brains working, we are going to start with a really fun game!

In the game you are going to have to subitise how many yetis pop out of their holes, then quickly shoot a snowball at the correct number at the top of the screen. The more you get right the more points you will win! 

There are three levels to play Bronze, Silver and Gold – the groups of yeti gets bigger on each level so you will have more to subitise. Can you hit the right number before the timer runs out?

Click on the image below to start playing .. good luck! 



Activity 2 –

Click on the Numberlocks below for information on how to play the Numberblock spinner game: 


Here is the link for the Numberblocks spinner so you can play the game: 


There are some downloadable part-part-whole models and tens frames for today’s activity in the ‘Year R’ section of the Educating Home page of our school website ( click here).

Creative Activity 

In the story of Fergus’ upside down day, Fergus found all the animals on the farm doing ‘upside-down’ things! The ducks were watching TV, the pigs were eating spaghetti and baked beans and the cow was having a bubble bath! What a silly day – those funny farm animals! 

What other things do you think the farm animals might get up to on their upside down day?

Can you draw a picture to show a farm animal having an upside down day?

The sillier the better! You could use felt pens, pencils, chalks, paint or you could pretend to be one of the animals having an upside down day – we can’t wait to see your pictures or videos on Tapestry!  

Video Resources

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Bye for now!