Year 5 – Monday 30th March

Good Morning Year 5!

We hope you had a fantastic weekend, making the most of the time at home and with your family. It’s the start of another week and another range of activities.

This week at school we would have been doing RE, so this week you will have two set RE jobs that we would like you to complete, but today we have also attached a pack of other RE activities you could complete if you would like to. As it is coming up to Easter, the activities are based around this time of year and the story behind it.

We have found another fantastic resource on the TT Rockstars website which is available to all of you. Numbots is a fantastic tool to help your mental arithmetic skills. To log on go to and use your TT Rockstars username and password. When you play the story mode, it goes through different levels of difficulty. The first one (Rust) is quite easy counting the number of objects, but as you work through the different levels, it continues to get progressively harder. If you wanted to skip ahead rather than work through the easier stuff that is fine, maybe jump to the steel level. Although the first levels are easier, it is always good practise to complete them and improve your speed and accuracy of key skills.

We are really enjoying seeing all your hard work, so please keep sending them in to


This week, Mrs Stone and Mrs Poole will be in school, and Miss Fowler is having her week off so Miss Thomas will be working from home, setting the work and replying to emails. Next week, it will be Mrs Poole and Miss Fowler working from home.

Year 5 Team 

Helpful Reminders

Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!

Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.

Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child. 

Daily Activities

Today you have a Maths, English and RE job to do. But don’t forget about the other jobs: 

  • TTRockstars – Miss T (Missy Flowers) will be online at 3pm to challenge you all
  • Numbots – Log in to TT Rockstars and click on the Numbots logo
  • Spelling Shed – Email to ask for your login if you haven’t already 
  • Reading –  Read for at least 20 mins then writing it in your reading log.
  • Spellings – Look, say, cover, write, check


We have now finished our fraction unit of work, so well done. We know fractions can be tricky, but you we all resilient and its paid off. As we do with all units in Maths, we will now be completing the end of unit assessment. As it is an assessment, we would ideally like you to complete this independently if you can, remember we have taught you everything you need to know, so think back to what we have done to help you. Handy Hint – Remember drawings can be helpful to answer some of the questions.

There are two parts to complete – you should have no longer than 20 minutes to answer each one.

Once you have completed them, email Miss T for the answers and she will send them over to you. We would like to hear how everyone got on with these, so please send us your scores once you have marked them. This will tell us if we need to go over anything again to help consolidate your learning. 

Fractions Assessment 1 – click to download here

Fractions Assessment 2 – click to download here


Today you will be writing the beginning section of you Millions story that you planned on Friday – so keep your plan close by.  

The key things to include in the beginning of your story are to introduce the characters and the settings of a story.

We have done a lot of practise describing so remember to include:

  • Relative clauses
  • Parenthesis
  • Different sentence types (e.g. the more the more, 3ed sentences and 2 pair sentences)
  • Semi-colons to join two clauses
  • Semi-colons for a descriptive list

If you have the opportunity to type your story, we would suggest that. By typing it means you can go back, add to and edit more easily, and then when the stories are complete in a few days time, you can easily email them over to us and we can read them.


RE this week is going to be based around the Easter Story, Today’s is going to be understanding the importance of Holy Week for Christians. On the Powerpoint is a link to a video we would like you to watch which gives you details about Holy Week. Then there is some facts about the week further down on the page. In case you can’t access the link from the PowerPoint it is

You then have a short job to fill in a table to show the importance of the different parts of the week.

Here is the RE pack that you may choose to complete some activities from if you have time. This week is about Lent.

Here is your spelling letter for this week. Remember that these spellings will also be on Spelling Shed for you to play games with to help you learn them.

The End!