Year R Home Learning

Hello everyone!

We hope you have had a fun morning at home. We have been busy collecting some ideas for activities we would like you to complete at home so that your learning continues while we are not together.

Each morning we will send you some new things to do at home. We would love it if you could share photos on Tapestry of these activities being completed. Let us know how you get on with them.
Have fun and stay safe!
From all your Year R teachers ????

Tuesday 17th March 2020

Maths Activities for Year R

This week we are meeting our next Numberblock – Numberblock 10!!

Before we go, Numberblock 9 would like to set you each a challenge – Can you make 9 in lots of different ways using a part – part whole?
(He has shown a couple of examples using Numicon in a part-part whole below below).
You can get a grown up to draw a part –part whole on a piece of paper for you OR could get three plates and arrange them like a part-part whole and share out 9 objects that you have at home.
Once you have created your two ‘parts’ don’t forget to move them to the ‘whole’ to find your total and to check you have made 9.


Numberblock 9 would LOVE to see what you have done – maybe you could send him some photos on Tapestry!  
Numberblock 9 is ready for you to meet the next Numberblock! Drum roll please for Numberblock 10!!!

Click here to watch our next episode –

Reading and writing activities for Year R

Rhyming Word Families
Look at the words below. I have made a list of words which rhyme with tap. The words are sometimes real and sometimes nonsense. I have coloured in the real words green and the nonsense words red.


Can you think of any that I missed?

Now have a go at finding rhyming words to match the words below. Remember, you can write these words using your cursive school handwriting. Have your name and handwriting mat with you so you can show your parents how each letter is formed ????

Parents – some of these words include Set 2 sounds and your child may not have been introduced to these yet. We are sending you a pdf which introduces the Set 2 sounds and the special rhymes that we teach the children to help them memorise the sounds. Please feel free to share these with your children if you feel that it is appropriate.  Click here to download the Set 2 sounds. – Set 2 Sounds



Name writing

Can you use your special pen to carefully trace the letters on your name writing card? Remember each letter starts at the bottom except for the first letter which is a capital letter. Next, try practising writing your name on paper using school letters. Can you use different types of pens and pencils? Be careful with how you hold your pencil – “Peter Pointer” and “Tommy Thumb” should be pinching, and the pencil should rest on “Toby Tall”.


We’ll be back with more tomorrow!