Year 3 – Wednesday 18th March’s Activities

Good Morning Year 3, 

I hope you’ve had your breakfast – filled your tummy and ready for today’s learning. Remember it is important to have some fresh air too, so maybe you can play in the garden today? Or go for a walk with a grown up? 

Don’t forget you can email us on . We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just want to say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us! Look forward to hearing from you. 

Note for parents: Hopefully most  of these activities the children can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry and complete what you can with your child. 

Year 3 Team

Ongoing Daily Activities

Wow it was fabulous to see so many of you on TTRockStars. Did you manage to play against Mrs Brackenridge? No, why don’t you send her a challenge TODAY!

We have taken a look at the games played yesterday and are very impressed! 56 of you played five or more games! Well done!

  • Rockstars – continue to play 5 garage sessions and 2 soundcheck sessions 
  • Spellings – continue to play 3 different groups of spellings 
  • Reading -for at least 20 minutes 



In bookclub, we have enjoyed the first three chapters of the Hodgeheg. Please re-read these chapters and now chapter 4 (Don’t go any further!) 

The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith.152457089

Complete Book Club Task



In maths today you are working on pictograms. Either download this word document or complete on own paper/book. Use the powerpoint to work though and complete tasks. Can you take on the challenge task? 

Word Document: Wednesday 18th March      PDF: Wednesday 18th March


In D&T we have been look at the different colours of fruit and vegetables. Today you can plan your Fruit Tart. Follow this powerpoint to help you. Draw your fruit tart and label it. 


Follow the powerpoint and learn some new french words.