Year 1 – 17th March 2020

Dear Parents,

We hope you are doing well. We will be posting updates daily with some home learning activities for the children to be doing if they are not in school. We are aware that printing may not be available for everyone so we are trying to make the learning as accessible as possible. You can ask us any questions or say hello using this email address. Please feel free to contact us about anything. We will be checking this account often and look forward to hearing from you:


  • Read with your child for at least 20 minutes a day. This can be their school reading book or a book from home.
  • Read stories to your child. Maybe you could read or listen to this story together and spot the rhyming words (Smartest Giant in Town):
  • Practise naming the letters of the alphabet and sing the alphabet song (capital and lower case)
  • Threading/Play dough/Cutting/Colouring/Painting
  • Phonicsplay Obb and Bob (Click: Phase 5 – Revise all Phase 5):
  • Practise writing sentences about a story they know. When writing, please remind them to use full stops, capital letters, neat handwriting and finger spaces.

Spelling: Their spellings this week are:







Your child can practise these in a variety of ways:

  • Saying them aloud (you could put them into a song)
  • Writing them down
  • Painting them
  • Put them into a sentence

Maths: Here is a variety of maths activities that your child could do daily:

Maths Activity 17/3/20: This activity focuses on counting in 2’s. There is a sheet available for children to complete where possible. If not, we encourage you to spend time practising counting in 2’s to 50 or 100 with your child. This could be verbally, part of a song, jumping while counting, writing the numbers down, or counting objects around the house in groups of 2 (socks or shoes are great for this!). Click Here: Count in 2’s 17th March


  • Science: Take your child outside and look for signs of Spring. They could write, draw or paint what they spot.
  • PE: We have been learning kicking skills so you could practise kicking a football with your child.
  • Art: Draw, paint or make a transport vehicle.

Thank you for your support and cooperation during this time. Please feel free to contact us on this email address should you need anything:

Year 1 Team