Latest Newsletter: 9th March 2020

Message from Mr Applegate
This coming Friday, we’re celebrating SportsRelief. If your child would like to, they can come into school in non-uniform, which could include a sports element to it. We’ll be doing an extra sports event on the day. Donations welcome, but not compulsory.
We had really good fun together on World Book Day. Thank you to everyone for supporting the event. We had a whole range of characters, apparently including a lion. Huge thanks to Mrs Chapman and Mrs Rosso for organising the day.
Well done to our Y6 pupils for their efforts in Bikeability last week. So amazing to see children who couldn’t ride a bike at the beginning of week do so at the end of the week. Fantastic progress and bravery!
And a huge well done to Phoebe F in Year 4 for her success in the DB Junior Cross Country League yesterday. She took bronze, and also led her team to gold – amazing!
Thank you for your continued generosity for our Capital Funds project. This shows up in Tucasi online payments, and it really makes a difference to our school.
Our Ofsted inspection on Tuesday went very well. There is no feedback given to our school, but the inspector was pleased to visit our school. Thank you to the parents and carers who took part in the inspection (chosen by Ofsted themselves).
We’ve been thinking a lot about drains this week. The Year 6 area has been particularly bad, as have the pathways behind the school. We are seeking quotes for work, but wondered if anyone knew of a company or person that may be able to help us out? To unblock the Y6 drain will cost around £1000. Installing drainage by the paths at the back of the school will cost tens of thousands easily – money we simply don’t have. Do you know a company or person who could help advise at least? Do let us know asap.
Coronavirus – we are adapting to the hand washing regime, and the children are being fab. Should we need to pass on any news, we will do so through website and email, and possibly text.
Finally – don’t forget to put Sat 28th March in your diary. It’s the FOSM Easter Egg Hunt. More details to follow.
Have a great week! Mr Applegate.
Sport Relief – this Friday!
This coming Friday, we’re celebrating SportsRelief. If your child would like to, they can come into school in non-uniform, which could include a sports element to it. We’ll be doing an extra sports event on the day. Donations welcome, but not compulsory.
FOSM Cake Sale
We’re sorry to say this has been cancelled. It was due to take place on Friday 13th March
Music Rehearsals and Performances for KS2 children only
March 2020
Wed 18th: 4.15pm – 5.30pm Part A Choir rehearsal and Chamber Choir at Bishopswood Junior School
Fri 27th: 4.15pm – 5.30pm Part b Choir rehearsal and Narrators at Bishopswood Junior School
May 2020
Wed 6th: 4.15pm-5.30pm Chamber Choir rehearsals at Bishopswood Junior School
Thurs 7th: 4.15pm – 5.30pm Orchestra rehearsals at Costello School
Wed 13th: 4.15pm-5.30pm Chamber Choir rehearsals at Bishopswood Junior School
Fri 15th: 4.15pm-5.30pm Orchestra rehearsals at Costello School
June 2020
Mon 1st: 9.30am-2.30pm All day choir rehearsal at St Mark’s CofE Primary School (Children still need to attend, even though it is an Inset Day)
Fri 5th: 9.30am-2.30pm All day Orchestra and Dancers’ rehearsal at Christ Church Chineham
Tues 9th: 9.30am-2.30pm All day rehearsal for whole concert at the Anvil
Tues 9th 7pm Concert at the Anvil
Wed 10th: 7pm Concert at the Anvil
Star Learners
Year R -Ben M, Ruby L, Jessica
Year 1 -Grace, Ava, Edward
Year 2 -Joe, Theodore, Elouise
Year 3 -Chloe D, Imogen, Bethany W
Year 4 -Ben M, Sienna, Sophie
Year 5 -Andrew, Jack, Zac W
Year 6 -Mia, Summer B
KS1 Class: 1J 100%
KS2 Class: 4SH 99.67%
In our worship this week…
… we are thinking about International Women’s Day. We’ll be thinking about Rosine Bekoin, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Malala Yousafzai, and Greta Thunberg.
We’ll be asking questions such as ‘how can we make the world a fairer place?’ and ‘how can we focus more on the needs of others?’
Outstanding Money
As we are approaching the end of the financial year, please can you ensure that all dinner, breakfast club and trip money is paid and up to date. Mr Applegate
SCL Afterschool Club
Did you know? Our after school club has great features, including:
1. No deposit required. Simply pay as you go.
2. Bookings are online, quick and easy:
3. You can book the night before – no need to book weeks in advance, but you can do that too!
4. Children can attend after school clubs, and then go to SCL when they finish – and also pay a reduced rate.
5. There is plenty of space, and the club is financially secure. It’s here to stay.
6. An afternoon snack and meal are provided.
7. Activities at SCL are varied and fun.
8. Cost is £12/session, or £9 if attending later because of a school club.
9. Hours are 3:20pm to 6pm.
10. Child care vouchers are accepted!
Parent Questionnaire Results
Parent Questionnaire Comments
Hatch Warren Nature Group – Can you complete a quick survey?
STOP PRESS – There will also be a drop-in session for residents on March 9th at Hatch Warren Community Hall between 4pm and 8pm to talk to members of Hatch Warren Nature Group and Officers of the Council.
Hatch Warren Nature Group has been restoring local wildflowers to amenity mown grassland around St Marks School for several years to improve biodiversity and have been pressing the Council to do more. As well as bringing colour and interest for all ages there is a particular desire for children to be able to experience nature and to help populations of insects such as bees and butterflies to recover by increasing the plants they depend upon for food.
Recently the Council announced it supported the further expansion of biodiversity in Hatch Warren and Beggarwood by building on what has been achieved by Hatch Warren Nature Group subject to a public consultation to be found at The consultation closes on March 27th. We need you to have your say!
The Council view this as a “pilot project” enabling them to learn and adjust to new methods of green space management. If successful the new approach would be rolled out across other areas of the town.
It is worth parents noting that In the State of Nature Report 2016 the UK was rated 190th out of 218 countries for biodiversity intactness i.e. 28th from the bottom internationally. Like people nature is subjected to rising pollution, of air, soils and water but also temperatures, rainfall and wind. This is in addition to habitat destruction caused by human expansion through farming (70%), homes, roads and commerce (10%) and fragmentation and degradation of what is left. Thank you for helping!
Dates for your diary
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Notices from last week
The Department for Education (DfE) have opened a new helpline for parents to access, should they have any questions about COVID-19. With regards to medical questions, 111 is still the best contact to use. To contact the DfE about COVID-19:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
The DfE also issued the following advice: No school should close in response to a suspected (or confirmed) COVID-19 case unless directed to do so by Public Health England.
Where to find the latest information
SCL Easter Holiday Club
There is a 10% discount if you book early using code EGG10. This discount code expires on 20th March.
Regular notices
Hire our Facilities!
St Mark’s boasts a large hall, a smaller hall, a kitchenette, a very large field and playgrounds. Our hire rates are very competitive. Our facilities can be hired for:
- birthday parties
- fitness classes
- sport events
- celebrations
- training events
- meetings
- and more!
SCL Afterschool Club
Did you know? Our after school club has great features, including:
1. No deposit required. Simply pay as you go.
2. Bookings are online, quick and easy:
3. You can book the night before – no need to book weeks in advance, but you can do that too!
4. Children can attend after school clubs, and then go to SCL when they finish – and also pay a reduced rate.
5. There is plenty of space, and the club is financially secure. It’s here to stay.
6. An afternoon snack and meal are provided.
7. Activities at SCL are varied and fun.
8. Cost is £12/session, or £9 if attending later because of a school club.
9. Hours are 3:20pm to 6pm.
10. Child care vouchers are accepted!
SCL INSET Day Childcare
There is great SCL provision at St Mark’s for our INSET day on Friday 3rd April. Click here to book.
What’s my child learning this term?
- Year R newsletter Spring 2 2020.pdf
- Y6 Temples of Doom Project Leaflet.pdf
- Y6 Temples of Doom Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Y5 European Identities Project Leaflet.pdf
- Y5 European Identities Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Y4 Who should I follow Project Leaflet.pdf
- Y4 Who should I follow Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Y3 Whats Inside Project Leaflet.pdf
- Y3 Whats Inside Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Y2 Me and You Project Leaflet.pdf
- Y2 Me and You Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Y1 On The Move Project Leaflet.pdf
- Y1 On the Move Knowledge Organiser.pdf
Zones of Regulation
Your child may have been talking about feeling ‘red’ or ‘yellow’. What does this mean? Well, St Mark’s are adopting a really helpful way for children to identify and talk about their emotional state- even when they are angry or anxious! Identifying the colour helps children to know how to move towards a more settled state, which may not always been straight to green. It also enables them to know ‘it’s ok to feel this way’, although we are still responsible for our actions. Why not talk through it with your child?
INSET Days – 2020/2021
- Thur 3rd Sept 2020
- Fri 4th Sept 2020 (School starts Monday 7th Sept)
- Mon 4th Jan 2021
- Thur 1st April 2021
- Mon 7th June 2021
Music Rehearsals and Performances for KS2 children only
March 2020
Wed 18th: 4.15pm – 5.30pm Part A Choir rehearsal and Chamber Choir at Bishopswood Junior School
Fri 27th: 4.15pm – 5.30pm Part b Choir rehearsal and Narrators at Bishopswood Junior School
May 2020
Wed 6th: 4.15pm-5.30pm Chamber Choir rehearsals at Bishopswood Junior School
Thurs 7th: 4.15pm – 5.30pm Orchestra rehearsals at Costello School
Wed 13th: 4.15pm-5.30pm Chamber Choir rehearsals at Bishopswood Junior School
Fri 15th: 4.15pm-5.30pm Orchestra rehearsals at Costello School
June 2020
Mon 1st: 9.30am-2.30pm All day choir rehearsal at St Mark’s CofE Primary School (Children still need to attend, even though it is an Inset Day)
Fri 5th: 9.30am-2.30pm All day Orchestra and Dancers’ rehearsal at Christ Church Chineham
Tues 9th: 9.30am-2.30pm All day rehearsal for whole concert at the Anvil
Tues 9th 7pm Concert at the Anvil
Wed 10th: 7pm Concert at the Anvil
Recent posts from our website
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