Latest Newsletter

Message from Mr Applegate
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful break and feel rested for the new term.
Our themes this term are ‘wellbeing’ and ‘aspirations’. We’ll be thinking about what we can all do to keep ourselves healthy in mind and body. With our careers fair coming up, we’ll also be looking at our own interests and skills, as well as learning about a whole range of jobs. Hopefully we’ll become inspired by them!
Our newsletter has had a change for the New Year. Instead of being a picture on our website, it is written on our website. This has lots of advantages: a better layout on the screen, clicking links within the newsletter, and easier administration for our staff. It should also feel shorter in length.
A reminder that we are raising funds through FOSM for improving and expanding our books in school. This includes “learning to read” books as well as “loving reading” books! Thank you for your ongoing generosity, including 2 parents of a Year R pupil who kindly gave us a Christmas gift.
Finally, look out for Autumn term school reports coming out this week. We hope that you find them helpful. As always, please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions. Parents’ evening booking details are coming out soon, too.
Have a great week,
Mr Applegate :)
Spring Term After School Clubs
We will be sending letters home soon to children who have secured an after school club place.
Every effort has been made to allocate their first choice, but some children will have their second or third choice.
Third Menu Option
Starting Tuesday 7th January, the school kitchen will be offering a third menu option on Tuesdays only.
The choices will be:
Week 1: Fish wrap with chips
Week 2: Hot Dog and Chips
Week 3: Pizzini and Chips
Please note we will be returning on Week 2, so the option on 7th January will be Hot Dog and Chips (which went down well today!)
Service Pupil Premium
Parents – are you a member of the Services
Schools are entitled to an additional pot of money if a parent is in the Services, such as the Armed Forces. However, we need to know about it and complete a form. If this applies to you, please do get in touch with the office by 14th January. Thank you.
Our autumn term reports come out this week. We produce a termly report so that you feel in the loop about how your child is getting on at school. If you have any questions about it, please do speak to the class teacher. Look out for the teacher comment, too!
St Mark’s are moving with the time
We’re aware that techy watches are becoming increasingly popular. We are therefore relaxing our rules to move with the times. If children have a fitbit or tech watch they want to wear to school, this is fine. However, it is done so with the following rules, and failing to follow these rules will result in not being able to wear the watch to school again, or having it taken off the child to give to the parent.
- Watches must not be played with in class or during learning time. They must be on mute.
- No watches with cameras are allowed.
- Watches must not be connected to wireless networks, Bluetooth, networks or otherwise, and must not communicate with each other.
- Any damage, loss or theft of watches is not the school’s responsibilities. If parents allow their children to bring expensive watches in, they do so knowing that they may be broken or lost. The school will not take responsibility for this or dedicate time to resolving issues – even if it is the result of another child damaging it.
- Should this change of rules result in difficulties, the school may reverse the policy!
Hire our Facilities!
St Mark’s boasts a large hall, a smaller hall, a kitchenette, a very large field and playgrounds. Our hire rates are very competitive. Our facilities can be hired for:
- birthday parties
- fitness classes
- sport events
- celebrations
- training events
- meetings
- and more!
SCL Afterschool Club
Did you know? Our after school club has great features, including:
1. No deposit required. Simply pay as you go.
2. Bookings are online, quick and easy:
3. You can book the night before – no need to book weeks in advance, but you can do that too!
4. Children can attend after school clubs, and then go to SCL when they finish – and also pay a reduced rate.
5. There is plenty of space, and the club is financially secure. It’s here to stay.
6. An afternoon snack and meal are provided.
7. Activities at SCL are varied and fun.
8. Cost is £12/session, or £9 if attending later because of a school club.
9. Hours are 3:20pm to 6pm.
10. Child care vouchers are accepted!
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