Dear Parents,
Welcome to Y6!
We have been very impressed with how the children have come back after the holidays. They are already showing themselves to be excellent role-models to the rest of the school and are working hard in lessons.
There are many exciting activities to look forward to this term and we will keep you updated with website posts as often as we can.
Here are a couple of key points for the Autumn term:
PE kits
These must be in school on a Monday and will be taken home on a Friday. Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday but there could be extra lessons added in at any point which is why we ask them to be in school all week. Please make sure all items of clothing are named too.
Curriculum workshop
We hope you will be able to attend the Y6 workshop on Thursday 26th September 8:45am-10:00am which will give you information on our maths curriculum. You will be welcome to visit your child’s class to complete an activity with them after the presentation. If you are unable to attend, there will be an evening presentation on Wednesday 18th September at 7:20. You do not need to attend both.
We will issue homework twice a week. Maths will go home on Fridays and children will have until the following Friday to complete it. SPaG homework will be issued on a Wednesday and be due in on the following Wednesday. We aim to support with homework wherever we can and it will link to what we have been doing in class that week. Miss Pettitt is running homework club after school on a Monday – there may still be some spaces for children if you check with the office! Our first piece of maths homework will be issued this Friday. A revision spelling sheet will be issued weekly too. Please encourage your children to learn these as they will be tested on these each Friday.
Windmill Hill
On 24th September, at 6:15pm, the Y6 teachers will be holding a Windmill Hill information evening for all parents of children attending this year’s residential trip. It will be an opportunity to find out more about the structure of the week, ask any questions you may have, and to collect a medical form which will need completing before the trip.
We hope you are as excited about the year as we are! Please feel free to come and see us if you have any queries.
Year 6 Team