Amazing Musicians

Wow! I hope you join us in saying a huge well done to all the children and their amazing playing, reading music and exemplary behaviour as they performed their new skills with the brass instruments on Tuesday. We hope you enjoyed listening to the children as we are so proud of them all!

They have had a busy week with three spectacular carol concerts. A special thank you to Chloe, Emilia, Aaliyah, James, Kayla, Bethany, Eunice, Neve, Izzy and Zac who helped take us through the Christmas story with their super readings. 

For your information – On Wednesday 8th January we will be having a ‘Red, White and Blue day’. The children are welcome to wear anything that is red, white or blue. They will enjoy a day to introduce our new topic for the first half of the spring term.

We hope you have a fabulous Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are back on Tuesday 7th January.

Merry Christmas
Year 3 Team