Your contributions to Tapestry
At St Mark’s we are keen to promote strong links between home and school and to also recognise children’s achievements in both settings.
We would really like Tapestry to be a collaborative effort between staff at school and parents and carers at home. It’s been lovely to read your comments to our observations sent home so far. Please continue to share your thoughts!
In addition it would be great to begin to see observations which you have made at home. If your child does something that really makes you think ‘WOW’ and you feel it is a particular achievement or a ‘first’, complete an observation to share this with us. Your child can then take a turn to share their WOW moment with the whole class.
Examples of WOW moments could be:
- Riding their bike without stabilisers for the first time.
- Completing some independent writing; hearing and recording sounds in the words.
- Picking up a book and attempting to sound out a word for the first time.
- Being brave and trying something new for the first time.
Instructions for how to write and send an observation can be found in these simple user guides:
We look forward to finding out what the children are achieving at home.
Year R Team