Year 3 ‘Dig’ their learning

The children were very enthusiastic on Monday when they received a letter asking them to become the archaeologists. At first they researched what an archaeologist’s job is and made a list of equipment needed to complete their dig. The children took great care and were really excited to take on one of the different roles – archaeologist, scientist, reporter, photographer and preservation team. They were quite surprised to find their role hidden under their chair at the start of the lesson.

This was the start our topic ‘Dig and Discover’ where the children have uncovered many artefacts from The Stone Age. We will be researching these over the coming weeks and taking the children back in time. We will be focusing our learning on answering our big question ‘Is all change needed?’

Next week we will be sending out our topic web and knowledge organiser after we have shared this with the children giving you and your child the knowledge needed for our topic this half term.

A few dates for your diary:

  • Generic curriculum evening for 3/4/5/6 – 18th September at 7.20pm – this is for those that cannot attend our curriculum morning.
  • Curriculum workshop – Tuesday 23rd September – This will give you details about the coming year with a Maths focus. You will then be invited to join your child for their Maths lesson.
  • School trip – Friday 4th October – Trip to Stone Henge
  • End of term museum – 24th October at 2pm – we would like to invite you to see all the children’s learning at our museum – more details to follow


Year 3 team